Remembrance Day and Heinz, The Killer Who Failed to Kill


Poppies, in field between Kelling and Weybourne, North Norfolk, England. Taken in June 2002 by John Beniston – posted in Wikipedia

On this Remembrance Day, I remember you Heinz – the young soldier who was in WW II.  You were a young German boy of 14 or 15 when my father rescued you by the side of the road in the Netherlands.  By the time you were healed you decided suddenly to go back to your Nazi origins.  You were not seen for some time and then returned with a grenade in hand. My father said to you, “Do not kill, for it will be the biggest blemish on your soul to kill anyone.”  You did not listen.  When you went to throw the hand grenade it exploded in your hand and killed you.  Years later you returned from the other world to give proof of life after life and to express sadness to even have thought to kill.  You did this in front of an auditorium of more than 100 people.

Does the warrior remember the fallen children, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, grandmas and grandpa, aunties and uncles – all lovers of life?  Do all who have fallen ones hold the weapon manufacturers responsible – the ones who make money from death and despair – and the banks which gave them loans to kill?

The religions will clean up their enemies.  I heard the call from the Infidels.  I was there. Rome versus Protestants and Jews, the gypsies, the poor and the broken – even the people knew not that religions were being used as tools of the Nazi regime. When the seed of hatred is planted it is a very dangerous thing, for the believer in who implants the seed becomes the killer.  I was privy to discussions of which others would not have heard.

Wars are created by those who make money on death and destruction and who at the same time want a cleanup of populations.  Let all remember all who died in wars – the baker, the seamstress, the farmer, the grocer, the brave doctors and nurses who stayed behind to help save lives, and countless others.  I remember them all.  May governments and warmongers remember too.  I am the one who they used as a child during WW II to help save lives.  I do remember you – the fallen innocent ones. I remember too all the dogs and cats and animals in Rotterdam’s Zoo who lost their lives and how those who were starving ate their meat as they also ate flower bulbs to survive.

May all understand that whether you killed with the stroke of a pen or pulled a trigger or dropped a bomb on paper or in person, that killing is killing.

Learn to have respect for all life.  Don’t breed children for the games of war or to give money to the ones who need money and want population clean-up and infrastructure destruction to build anew.

Remember me. I tasted it and I was not a soldier.  Remember Ann Frank.  Remember all whether Jew or non-Jew, Christian, Protestant, professor, activist, lawyer or others who spoke up or didn’t and became victims.

Remembrance Day is set aside to remember the fallen soldiers who died in the line of duty. How many set aside a day to remember the innocent civilian victims?  Who builds statues in their memory?

May Remembrance Day be replaced by Celebration of Life Day – giving hope for a future of peace and harmony.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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