Karma – August 2014

karma arrows






May all have, or find, peace in Creator.

So many of you asked and are asking about these first two weeks of August when so many are suffering karma of the near or far past.  The two weeks in the month are a measurement.  There could be hard bangs which are painful for the one who will enhance the truth or make the reality.  Don’t jump to conclusions.  Know to stay wise when others are in a senseless state.  Know the truth in self!  Be in wisdom.  Don’t have a great ego.  Know, as karma is created to last.  Be free of your accusers.  This is the time of negotiations of the material kind.  Know that the time of this full moon is so important.  There will be good news and a breakthrough in the third week of August of love and gifts of Creator.

The next month is good for business and you may all learn to practise caring, love and kindness.  This month is a time to awaken all to understand the chemistry of fear, which ages and kills.  It shrinks the aura of life.  The chemistry of love is different.  It projects healing, trust and a wondrous life of joy.

Creating fear for others will vibrate and return to the ones who create pain.  Karma is real.  The one who cares is a being who is empowered by angels.  Greed is a pain created by self to experience later, either with love withheld or loneliness at a time when one is in need.  The gift is there for the good of all.  Learn to love.

Please help with love to all in need.

Thank you.

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A Plea for Peace to Circle the World







Oh Creator,

All that I am and become after I have become as a pure soul – pure in heart and of giving soul, full of compassion – calls to the Creator of heaven and earth.  All must plead for peace and ask, “Please don’t abandon us.  We call for your promise of harmony – you who created all of all from your divine place – far, yes far, so far from earth – a wondrous place.  You, who resided far, so far away – gave us a name as a planet, as a chosen people – a rainbow of all colours, of rich and poor.  We will grow to have peace on earth because you decreed it.  So as divine will, you look at it all.  We need peacefulness.

I call and must find life today.  We will be at peace, at your will today, and will love one another.  We will help all to learn your name, free of religions, just as a people.  We will help the children grow as peaceful nations’ peoples.

We will all pour fresh water in your name and wash away all hatred and wars.  All will sing your name out loud like a mother teaching her child to make peace and to feel no racial hate created by those who create wars.

The father, brother and sister come as one.  They bring the kind mother who teaches all to let go of wars and pain.  All sing, “I have offered my soul, I have given my heart to end all hate.

To you Creator, please end this hell called wars on earth.  Make my battered family whole.  Here we are, oh Creator.”

Please share this post so that the plea for peace can circle the world.

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Choose life. Demand Peace. Leave Old Hatreds Behind.

I am calling all humanity, yes everyone be they black, brown, yellow, red or white – wise or not-so-wise – good or not-so-good – sly, twisted and self-righteous or kind and gentle – and the hated who feel abandoned.

All children, who will one day be adults, need to be wise and balanced. People need to make judgements to have a peaceful planet and not to wait until it is too late. Hear what spirit is saying. It matters not whether Jew, Christian or Muslim. All of you, who are part of the earth as men or women, see in your hearts and do not lose who you are.

Be a human being. Look for one moment at the newborn child who is innocent by pure soul and is fresh from the pure beyond. The child is not of any religion on earth but of Creator – of all pure divine soul.

Why kill, out of greed and hatred, the ones you do not know and do not own? They are like a box of strange critters that came from the same Creator of your heart – the divine one who sends loving angels and your ancestors of pure soul. They call out not to kill, to study peaceful living and to be disciplined in child birth, with no more than four children in each home in order to control the population around the globe and create peace for all life on earth. Heal the planet and create peace for all.

Maybe people need to choose life and demand peace and leave old hatreds behind. Educate children that there is one planet – one earth. All need to be free of hatred pumped in through paganism of who is better. Every part of the planet is special to the one who came from afar – not lesser or greater. There is one Creator. Realise that some of these beings from afar were from different planets. Yet all were created by one created being – the great Creator – the all of the all.

People around the planet need to stop and hear their soul’s cry for peace. Heal the pain. Stop the hatred. Open your hearts.

I am a survivor of WWII – of the bad Hitler time, losing all. One can’t help but think that wars are created to kill so many people, to rob and steal and to create a lasting hate with no peace and no compassion.

I call all to set a day to call all people on earth to declare peace for all – free of religions and with compassion and committed peoples.

I don’t want my prophecy for harsh times to be fulfilled. We need to rise up in the name of peace. Spread the word. Be in touch. Join. Reach out. It can be done now. Don’t wait. Kindness is in you. Organize. Feel compassion for all victims. Have kindness for all children and offer peace, not hatred.

Victims need compassion and love. In my prophecies I warned for these years of oncoming global wars where by the end there will not be enough people for soccer and hockey teams. The devastation will be great.

Know love for victims of hatred. Yes, hate and self-hate for a dark action of human confusion. Look at all the countries that had to pay for rebuilding of Germany and then look at what happened in Holland, Belgium and France with great losses of human life. The rich left. The Dutch Royal House went to Canada. Others of affluence went to the USA. Today they might go to Australia where they have estates or Alberta, Canada where they do as well.

Say no to hatred, no to murder, no to wars. The victims suffer forever – from young to old. They will not forget. It is painful for life. Israel remembers Hitler. The world should not forget WW II. Hamas knows that it is not good for their reputations in future times to be labelled as mean killers. All who kill will be remembered for all time no matter who they are or what their name is – killing in the name of religion and the god of their hearts.

The divine Creator will know each one. Stop your hatred. Seek peace. Stop killing now. There are no blessings for murder and war. Know it forever.


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