Time for Change

pacific walrus looking for place to rest

Aerial photo taken of 35,000 walrus Sept. 27, 2014 (AP Photo/NOAA, Corey Accardo)

I remind you of polar wobble/shift activities that I first spoke about in the 1950s, creating unusual conditions today. The climate change of today is tied to polar shift activity.

35,000 walrus come ashore in northwest Alaska

I’ve also warned for mankind’s unchecked abuse of the planet and the consequences for all life upon it.

WWF: World has lost more than half its wildlife in 40 years – with people putting unsustainable demands on Earth

The time for change is now.

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Say No to War Canada

From the 12th century to this day, religious wars have taken place. Muslims were created by Christians –by two popes from Rome who wanted to be head honcho. See the result of hatred and the want-to-be ruler religions. Yes, I did say religions.

The Muslim religion was created after a dispute between the two popes about which one would be the new ruling pope of Rome and which would create the new Muslim religion. So, we are all suffering from greed and ego because the planet is small and everyone wants to be head honcho and control the masses. We need to see the very large numbers of Christians of different brands (break offs from Rome) and of similar religious histories – one story, told in different times or ways – with still one god – but with adjusted tales of being different and with adjusted beliefs, where murder and hatred still exist.

So many upon the earth are fearful of religions because each claims to be the one and only one, whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, etc. Yes, they all believe in one god and keep killing for power. If it really was, as many say and decree, that “thou shalt not kill,” then why do they arm themselves and go to war? Armies are still on our planet killing and warring since the weapon manufacturer needs to dump the old weapons and the killing goes on and on.

All say in god we trust. Who is the god that allows his creation to keep killing? Is there a difference between the god of Israel or of the Muslims or of the many brands of Christians? Are there many gods who are still warring? Is there no way for people on planet earth – for all humanity – to believe in one Creator? It is not a time to practise peace and learn compassion?

I hope my prophecies from 1964 in Italy are not coming true. Yet, it appears WW III is in development. An all-inclusive religious war may be the most ugly and vicious of all. Mankind promoting hatred through religious education must stop. This war may kill many millions and take the helpless first as well as those not willing to participate in war and kill. Meanwhile, the ones in power suffer in safe places. Think of WW II.

Say no to war Canada. Let us all awaken and learn to love and respect life.

See CBC article.


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Are You Mad? Say Yes to Change Now!

Are we mad to let deranged beings come to maim and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people of all races in places around the world? Is it because of cycles or “me, me, me” behaviours? Or have the gods gone mad? Or are we not listening to our soul or even the clock of times past?

Planet earth has kept many secrets. Recent findings and research tell us all a story of the past, of not so long ago, of lost times or seeming worlds.

Is global warming a warning or a preparation for the ultimate call to stop the wars on earth? We know now that many civilizations have come and gone. Many times our planet needed to chase all off for a time. Most things fell to rubble. Before allowing this to happen, all people need to come together as one and plead for peace.

I say that the left side of planet earth will shift down and the right side up. The human race is foolish with its arrogance, greed, and must-have luxuries. Your humanity has gone mad with never-have-enough homes that are too big for one or two to live in and with too many cars on the driveway.

I foresee a great shift soon. You must save planet earth, but greed will stop you. Soon you will fall into darkness, if you do not change now.  Hate will harm all.  You will call out to Creator for help and fall over your must haves. You will be hungry. Children will cry out for out for water – clean water, and for food please. But there will be no food and there will be dirty water. Your stupid wars will kill the earth and the children who need food and water. The Fukushima nuclear spill disaster will rise up again.

All who care need to come forth up the mountain and call for peace from all corners of the planet.  Otherwise, darkness is soon to be. The shifts will call all to change. Say no to the Fukushima plant. Say no to fracking. Peace is all.

Let there be no more attacking our planet. The future of our planet is at risk. Creator owns the planet. We are behaving like uncaring, greedy ones who are creating disasters. The never-have-enough ones need to wake up. You who care need to say no to killing and to wars against nature and mankind.

We all, yes all, need to wake up now before it is too late. Save our planet and put an ending to crazed people who feel they must control through religions. It is not the string of religious ‘isms” that bring change.  It is the hearts and souls of people that bring change. We all – whoever we are – must say yes that there will be no more bullies of any race, creed or religion. Call out for harmony. To help climate change be free of war now.  The vibrations of explosions upset the rotation of our planet.  The mental climate needs to change too with peace being the best climate – free of fear.

Love is needed now. The planet is our home. Join me now in the call.




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