Calling All Good People and Friends of the Saoshyant











(A message from the volunteers)

We all know there are horrible, cruel events taking place around the world.

But, H.H. Alexandra is the one who has the knowledge of what is going on and what is coming.  She has given free information for so many years on how to prepare.

It is time that we, whoever we are and wherever we are, realize that the global agendas she speaks of do exist. If you need to continue your journey to have empowering information, then we ask for you to please reciprocate and help.

She is in a devastating situation.  We can no longer sit on our global duff while she goes under for it will be our loss and suffering when she has to shut down and can no longer put out information.  We will no longer have a good heavenly voice to guide us if she is living out of her old car.

It doesn’t matter what religion you are.  You are a human being who needs to wake up.  Listen to her call to be in wisdom.  What she teaches has to do with spirituality and pure soul essence – not religion.

The preparedness and survival information she gives is crucial.

It you have a heart and are thankful for the long hours she spends giving information, then please also be aware that she needs help at this time.  Please, oh please, help for what the powers that be are doing proves that they are not joyous with the information she gives.
Things are at a point where there is no food in the cupboards for her or her two little doggies.

If we who enjoy all the information and insights she offers humanity and cannot step up to help, then don’t feel lost without her when she is not there.

Psychics make money.  Prophets don’t.

Thank you for any kindness you can share.

See the Help for a Gentle Being blog if you’d like to contribute and help H.H. Alexandra continue her work.  Words of support and appreciation would also be welcomed and passed along to her.

And please pass this along to everyone you know through facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. so that those out in the world whose souls call to help will have their chance too.

–    With appreciation, the volunteers and friends of the Saoshyant

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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4 Responses to Calling All Good People and Friends of the Saoshyant

  1. fred says:

    hi! i saw your call for help on indie. It is so sad that victims of accidents have to suffer. tell me why are these icbc workers out to destroy people. hey what happens when they are victims? tell her story and hope that others know her hard story like the others who lost everything and were suffering. then they got offered a pittance for their pain. at 75 on pittance pension is a crime. she could not get medicine on that or what she needs. i call all,let’s help her. this needs us all to help now. Fred, Fort Nelson, BC

  2. jess parker says:

    I met her. I was surprised how kind and loving she is. Not a cash milker the real mccoy. a giver. need some help. maybe we can all help.

  3. daniel swift says:

    Be the grace of creator I thought people had come together to help her but they haven’t. Let’s do something people.

  4. jay says:

    Good people,

    Something needs to be done NOW, not next week or next month, but now. This has been going on for far too long, and we can’t sit back and expect ICBC to step up to the plate, because I doubt very much that this will happen. Positive thoughts and intentions are fine, but we need concrete actions.

    It isn’t important if we believe in her teachings, because her history is proof and it speaks for itself. She is a friend to humanity and the earth and in her time of need she has asked only once for herself, and from my point of view if I was her I would feel let down by society. If she didn’t have the love and endless compassion of those who volunteer, she would be in a much worse state then she is.

    I am open to suggestions on how to help

    What do you people say? How would you feel if this was your Mother or Grandmother? Society is said to be judged by how it treats it’s elderly population, well, if that’s the case then society is failing very badly and in the end we who know of her plight and do nothing will end up accounting for our actions.


    Jamie (From the UK)

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