Black Mould – A Silent Killer


This is a warning about black mould – a destroyer of health – and advice regarding it.

Black mould is a silent killer.  It destroys the immune system.  Be careful to eradicate it from your home, especially in damp areas of countries where there is a lot of rain and not enough sunshine.

Black mould makes people sick.  From respiratory diseases to sinus pain to sleepiness to pain in joints and, as some researchers have found, on to MS, cancer and more.

As we see more and more of the natural disasters I have foretold taking place, being aware of what mould can do to the body and what to do about it is imperative.

Kurt and Lee Ann Billings wrote a book called “MOLD: The War Within” that is recommended. They are survivors of Hurricane Katrina and began researching mold and chemical exposures after their family became gravely ill from resulting toxicity.

Other links to check out include:  (William J. Rea, M.D., is a thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon with a strong passion for the environmental aspects of health and disease)

On a personal note, I have recently become victim of toxic black mould myself and know the toll it is taking on me. I’ve discovered that the place I recently moved into is full of it.  It is virtually impossible to breathe.  Even my little Pekingese doggies are having allergic symptoms – sneezing and drippy noses.  Volunteers too are impacted.   I saw my medic about my quickly worsening respiratory condition, eye and sinus pain, shortness of breath and irregular heart beat amongst other symptoms.  He ordered me to get out of the place for the black mould in it is devastating and is quickly breaking down my immune system.  I know this but I can’t find a way out financially now because my auto accident from a few years ago has trapped me in financial disaster.

I want you to be informed about mould and black mould in particular.  Knowledge is power.  Be empowered.  Be well.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to Black Mould – A Silent Killer

  1. Kate says:

    Mayday Mayday! If H.H. Alexandra had not been through enough these last couple of years in dealing with her physical injuries from a car accident and being financially crippled by it to the breaking point, now she is in a life-threatening situation. You see, a couple of months ago she was forced to move and unfortunately, without enough money to get a suitable and safe place, she ended up in a rental that has turned into a horror show.

    The place is toxic with black mold. Because she had tuberculosis during WW II it weakened her respiratory system and we are watching her struggle to breathe because of the air contamination. To make things worse the place is heated by forced air (gas) and since this means that contaminated air is blasted through the unit, she has had to turn off the heat. And it is cold and damp here. There is no solution other than to move her out as the place is a renovated disaster and we know that when they start peeling away what has been covered up there will be no end in sight. She cannot survive living here and every day and night she spends here weakens her more.

    This is an urgent situation. H.H. Alexandra must move now. If we had the financial means we would move her into a hotel immediately and move her out within 24 hours. It hurts us that we don’t have the means to do this ourselves. But for someone who has selflessly done so much for so many throughout her life and who now is the one in need, to help her would be a great gift to your soul as well and allow her to continue to work and the information she shares.

    We know this is a very hard thing to ask when there are so many people suffering through disasters and even H.H. Alexandra is asking people to help those in crisis around the world. But, if you realise the terrible situation here then we hope that your open heart and open hand might be able to also help here too. So, if you can help financially, or know anyone else who would find it in their hearts to help too, please oh please do it now. Please don’t wait. Many thanks and blessings to all. There is a paypal link at for gifting.

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