You Have Entered the Time of Earth, Political and Economic Changes

Time is for the wise and time is for fools and yet time is for the spiritual being.  Know to be in your centre during these times.  Changes of our planet are happening.  A shifting of the magnetic fields is taking place.   Weights are shifting from water evaporations and from the tearing apart of forests, without reforestation.  These are times of dangerous wars and greediness.  Know that that you can’t take it away with you.

You can now all see that my past forecasts are coming about.  I want you to know that my warnings of major changes in the planetary scene cannot be calculated to the hour by the scientific community.  The great men and women in Java, Indonesia have been at a loss since the eruption of Mount Merapi began.  We will see earthquake and tsunami dangers around the globe escalate.   Storms will roar.  Know that many will suffer.  Help the helpless.  Don’t spend so much time analysing right and wrong.  Do your good deeds.  Know that Creator knows light from dark and the pure from the impure. No saint needs to justify self.  She/he comes to a place in need, not asking, but giving light.  Beware of devils.  They will lead you astray.  Remember that there is one Creator for all universes.

The time of Hades has come.  There are global changes in mind, body and soul awareness.  From November through December 21st -23rd, know that there can be dark energies shifting in the universe.  Be safe during this time.  Watch for natural disasters from November to mid January and for explosions from terror, warlords and the uprisings of many tempers from November 20th through January 6th.  Be saved by wisdom.  Be awakened.

Many have left Vancouver, Canada to be safe.  Yet, so many flee from self.  If one lives life, then the soul is the all of all, everlasting.  This is self – the all pure created.  No religion will save you.  Your running away will not help you.  There is nowhere to run to but to self.  Know that you see who you are – naked spirit.  Truth falls before Creator.  You need not to pass from life.  Write your truth.  See self – the good and bad.  Make your tally.  Be always ready to travel. When the soul goes to travel and even if spirit stays, life renews far from the earth plane.  Be honest. Work on self to be free.  Rise to help awaken others.

This is our time to follow the path of sacred knowledge. When others run, you should instead be fair to all life.  Find a guide who is “knowing the know.”  Learn to think and reason.  This is your life.  No numbers or tarot or astrology will save you.  No church has ever saved anyone.  All these can guide you, but not to the higher dimensions. Vedic or other astrology can guide you and give insight to your path. But you must get to know why you are here.  Fear will not help.  The soul within must search and know self.  Only through kindness, love and compassion is the portal opened to true spiritual life and existence.

A venerable lama friend said that from the age of two he led a monastic life in Tibet.  He said there was much suffering there and no one saved him from abuse.  Karma, he said, was humbug, having been raped, tortured and abused by elder lamas.  Those who spoke of karma inflicted karma upon him and others.. A former Roman Catholic priest had the same story.  A Mormon boy and girl sent out to call on many, lost faith in faith.  Young Muslim men and women said they were brainwashed to go out and become martyrs in the name of their beliefs.  When they came free, they realized that the Creator would not tell anyone to create a bad karma or bad soul path.  It is by coming free that they found Allah and later turned to Creator and realised that changing self was the answer.

I say to all, know who you want to be in forever life.  You can’t take life from anyone.  Life is pure.  You can take away your divine journey or the journey of another soul, but their spirit will find you.  You do not need a million mantras or prayers, nor saints, Buddhas or angels.  You need to be in the know about you.  Pick yourself up.  Change your path through kind deeds.  Don’t tell lies.  Don’t hurt self by hurting others – be it people or animals.  Ultimately, you elevate self in goodness to pure, fearless, everlasting life. Then you can dwell with angels and saints.

The time of change is now. Be my friend and learn to love.  You are special.  Follow the path of freedom.  You hold your key.  Ask us. We will open your heart with your pure will in your life path.  Let there be no killing of anybody on earth.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to You Have Entered the Time of Earth, Political and Economic Changes

  1. jamie says:

    tony kluytmans Says:

    November 10th, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    Thanks for the continuing information you give.I came from Holland too. I’ve been trying to get your Be in the Know without success.Could you send me the information in an email please, so that I can purchase the book.

    Kind regards.Tony


    The Saoshyant Says:

    November 15th, 2010 at 9:03 am You are very welcome Tony. Please email to inquire about the book and someone will respond to you. (We need your email address.. thanks)


    Suzanne Schipper Says:

    November 28th, 2010 at 6:38 am

    Thank you for your true words. My heart starts to shine by connecting. Suzanne

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