The Wheel of Soul Life

I’d like to share a few questions that were asked of me recently …..

Question …. May I ask you, what is the meaning of a true human being?  You have been compared to Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.  A group compared you to a being from beyond the stars and said, “You are our conscience and do not belong here.  You awaken us to see our self.  Yes, that is it.  We hate that you want us to be kind and good and that you say we must evolve beyond our old selves.  You say we are born pure and must strive to be pure and share kindly out of love for our planet.  At a place you were speaking in 1971, you said that we must guard ourselves to not become self-centred to the point of carelessness where we would not end wars but rather start more.  From our point of view, you are a holy warrior being who stirs us up into thinking, changing and loving.” 

My response … The Creator is not racist and has not programmed us to hate.  The he/she, who comes far from earth, urges us to be harmonious and to learn the meaning of love and compassion for all life.  

For example, send the rapist to an isolated island.  Let them farm and work.  Sterilize them so they can’t rape or fondle a child again.  Allow them to heal and have their own life.  Protect and heal the children. 

Make it that life is considerate and full of kind actions.  Share the planet.  Be gentle.  Have no wars.                              

Question …. Critics say that you say to embrace life and save the planet.  They say it is not possible and you say that it is.

My response … I make comparisons.  I say to ban religious controllers. Ban all war makers. Ban greed.  Teach not to live in greed.  Learn to have respect for all life.  Refine who you are. Be kind and honour pure life.  Don’t have a loss of faith.  Learn respect.  Teach it to the small by example.  Help each other.  You are not all racecar drivers or farmers or doctors.  Each person is different.  Don’t be selfish.  Be alive.  Live and let live. 

It is you – your soul – that is to be pure. You can’t take cars, houses, gold, silver or diamonds with you to the other realms. But a good being travels far in the new-life state.  There is no death.

Know that there are many galaxies beyond this one in which we live.  You are all powerful beings – universal travellers – who through time learn to be the learned souls who are free before the physical ending.  Know that there is the wheel of soul life – of suffering and learning to become at peace, free of all wrong decisions and of being victim of all the wrong teachings. 

As our Creator gave at the first of time and said, ‘I gave the prophets to hear my voice, mediums to hear the voices of angels, physicians the gift to heal the sick, the wise to help those in need of guidance and the rich men and women, who need to learn to be free of greediness, to know that the poor one is blessed and to know my exactions are tighter than the straw of the camel driver. You are the example of pure being. Don’t be ignorant.  Men and women – become gods and goddesses of wisdom to help the lost.  This is my law for these times to be.  Sleep in peace.  Know to create for all freedom from fear. Awaken to this change. 

Men – do not rape another man’s child for the wheel will take your soul.  Let no one live life in greedy ways.  Soon all will change.  Care for my planet. Have honour.  Know life. You are never, ever alone.  The spirit world is plentiful and they are your guardians.  Know the dark ones from the good. The ones who fell for a sad life need help to rise up again and come into their great honour.  I have awakened them into living beings, free to be wise.  I call you to have no hatred and to be free.  Search for all that is good. Uplift the poor.  Bless them.  Honour the messenger.  Help the prophet.  Support the words to be in harmony.  Search your heart.  Test you for you are my creation.  Find me in you.  My spirit uplifts you. Let there be no killing and no hatred.  Change is now.  Sex is holy and not a tool.  Be pure.  Marry one man or woman.  Strive to have honour.’

Know the place above the earth.  Know that there are many gods and many of them are fallen.  Ego blinded them and the Creator graded them.  There are millions of angels and gods in Craoshivi.  Soon you will know the ship of fire called Cpenta-Armij.  Chiefs – be peaceful.

Change.  Learn to honour.  Love all that is created.  Life is all there is.  There is no death.  Have compassion for all.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to The Wheel of Soul Life

  1. Bill says:

    A Great Message for I will Post it to other sites!
    Light to my Sisters/Brothers

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