Peace is the Only Answer

I am in the know that every man, woman and child are going to come to reason that peace is the only answer.

Come now and see that change is the only way to create reasoning about wars, religions, hate, racism, loss and most of all about the insanity of continuing down our current path.

All have soul.  All have life from one Creator and a pure energy to bring peace.  The world needs to realise this.  End all greed.  Learn to overcome the sense of greedy “me, me.”  Know that all people need respect and freedom.  Overcome racism and religiousness and hate within individual countries and between countries.

Don’t scream.  No one hears your cry.  Whether I screamed from 1945 post WWII or still scream in 2013 when wars still rage, I feel your pain.  But we must all act to bring change.  People must say that it is enough now.  I existed and you exist as did those before you who let the war mongers kill more.   When war is in your heart, it never ends.  Memories live forever.   What was lost in war can never be rebuilt with the same original vibration.

I survived post WW II without family or friends from before, as did so many.  I see governments that play games with pure life and weapon builders – crazed rats which need the money makers of war.  They are the kinds who sleep only when they kill again.   They are the ones who reward oppressors by rebuilding for them and not for those who the oppressor devastated.

What is peace when no one cares to make peace?  Rise – whether Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jew or other – and call an end to all religious wars.  Zarathustra said that only respect for life will heal all.

I am calling all – yes all who live on planet earth.  I am convinced that you have mutual understanding  – you who are human beings who desire to end the heartbreak of parents, suffering of all life and the destruction of buildings, your history and peace.

I call on you and tell you that I tasted war and lost all.  Call out that you are a friend called peace.  End religious strife.

Please sign my global petition for mother earth’s cry for harmony, if you desire peace now for all.  Be free of greed.  End the broken hearts.  Please share the petition with others and ask them to sign it too.   Let us raise a million signatures.  Let us bring the change needed for the sake of all generations and especially for the innocent children.    Watch what the legacy of war can bring to children.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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