My Creator knows no discrimination of soul, whether rich or poor or of any colour.
My Creator uses the poor to open the hearts of the hardened who are poor of soul so that they may progress onward and up into the ranks of the divine realms.
My Creator created all souls to grow, whether of one belief or another. There is no difference of soul – just who you decree you are to be when you leave this earth place.
My Creator is your Creator – a pure force to where all can progress.
I saw war and hate of colour, race and even creed, whether rich or poor.
Your Creator is my Creator. Have you become lost in ego or religion and man-made one-upmanship? Do you look at someone’s colour or where they live – this house or that mansion?
Who are you?
Be still and hear the voice of your soul. There is one Creator – one divine energy for all.
In the near-at-hand times, when the earth will adjust itself to renewal, then all will again be the same, when good is the norm. No religion will save you. It is you who needs to be pure. As Moses called in ancient times, his voice is in the earth for all to know, regardless of who you are.
Rise up all people. War no more. End all hate. Live in harmony. Learn to be kind. Being selfless is now the time for all.