When I was a young child of 7 1/2 my father brought home a German Sheppard named Juno. Juno and I had a very special bond. One day he became ill with a form of distemper. I was told that if somebody gave him eel that he would recover. I went out to find a place where they would have eel. I walked for many kilometres to get it. When I reached the place all they had was a meager 2 small eels but I took them and started back. Much later when I finally returned I was told Juno had passed. The housekeeper made me feel that if I had only come sooner that Juno would have lived. So, I felt great sorrow that I had not been fast enough in my long walk.
Then the neighbour saw me crying and called me over to look into the sky. The sun was just about to set and there, so visible to all, was the image of Juno enveloped in golden rays. The neighbour called others to look at what he called a miracle. I knew that Juno was okay in his otherworldly journey and that the Creator had given me this great gift in showing me.
The soul of a dog lives for 100,000 years. When you do a kindness to a poor dog who suffers know that he will remember you for those 100,000 years and that Creator will know your warm heart.