Canada is known around the world as one of the most highly rated countries in which to live. In my past prophecies, I foretold that Canada would become one of the most heavily policed countries in the world. People scoffed at this notion. Yet the government’s recent tabling of Internet Surveillance Bill C-30 once again demonstrates where things are headed. Ann Cavoukian, Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner, is an outspoken opponent of the bill.
Interestingly, I recently had some people visit who were from Russia originally and have lived in Canada for 15 years now. They spoke about the new legislation that was tabled and its inherent dangers. Then they spoke of the time when they lived under the communist regime and said that they feel Canadians are under more surveillance and scrutiny here then were Russians under the Communists. They added that Canadians just aren’t aware of it and are complacent regarding their rights and freedoms being systematically stripped away.
People globally need to be in the know and bring about positive, peaceful change. Be victors in life, not victims.