Dare to be Free Souls

To all who dare to be free souls and to be you – just you – and to create a better world, of pure soul, free of religious bigotry….

As I have said before, never in past history was there greater confusion of your soul.  And as I have so often said, from India to Afghanistan through Iran, Egypt and the rest of the planet, there has been mistrust and fear seeded by some religions who made the soul a very successful business by planting fear and hatred of each one they meet in order to control their flocks of fearful followers.

In no other time in the past 9,000 years dared one to break the wilful dictators of spiritual hold in order to open the great window of soul progress.  Know that I have done so to open the veils of truth and offer wisdom from my own experiences of this time, the past and of soul.  May you know of my spiritual journey and memories of the past, free of games – life before birth – times proven in evidence, as in the times of the Devas and Azuras, Gods and Goddesses and cosmic energy, or the known Shakti or Vishnu – at that time the great preserver in a duality of one who destroyed the past – Shiva.

Know our time is like the energy of Kali and knowing Brahma, the past God and creator of wisdoms.  Now there is a great time to open wisdom to who we are or who humanity is in great reality, and to be pure, once kundalini is known to all.  Healing and awakening for all is needed to teach the world of spiritual existence within all life – soul, spirit, mind, cosmic consciousness – in a harmony to become free – and in knowing who you are.  Be free in dimensions, responsible only to your soul and ever life and to a holy path forever.

We offer compassionate awakening.  The ancients in India, Iran, Egypt and Atlantis and the Aztecs were awakened long before and lost their knowledge.  Only in India and Ethiopia is the old knowing well intact of the wisdom of pure divine states.   Not one chooses to be the experiencer, and the true experiencer is Satland or afraid.  You, who desire to be disciples of light and need guidance, are always misled.

Yoga is a tool to some to arouse the kundalini in a dormant state.  Exercise is a way to arousal but without knowing or even seeking the way or truth.  What they are wanting in self-knowing is male/female forces in self and peace and power in one great joy when pure energy is reached and Creator is known within self, joining all who are in harmony with the holy elements of pure energy.  See the Canon, Quan Yin, Lord/Lady Shiva and all those who awakened the all in all in self-direction.  It is like the sun in full energy in self to know more.  Contact us now (info@saoshyant.org).  Peace within is now.  Claim it.

The planet is large enough for all life. Only those who live in a form of “me, me, only me” control feel there is never space enough and can’t leave the judgement to Creator of who stays or comes to earth.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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