Controllers and Loss of Freedom

In prophecies I gave decades ago, and as I reminded you again on my radio show 10 years ago, UFOs from the Mayan times would be seen in the skies and the world would know their comings and goings.  A UFO did nearly strike a plane when it was navigating along the Nazca Lines.  It is that NASA and the governments of the USA and other countries have fooled humanity at large?  Are European space controllers hiding the same thing?

What is it that is eroding freedom so quickly?  A small few have all the power and some 2% upon the planet hold all the financial control.  Many are kept like uninformed fools about world conditions.  It seems that with all the resources upon the plant, there is no need for people to live in such dire poverty.  Why are those who were part of wrongdoing in Iraq and other actions upon the planet still being venerated as respectable?  Maybe someone can tell why Canada, which was outstanding for its peacekeeping and goodness towards nations in the world, is suddenly slipping into being part of the warmongers of the planet?  Why are countries, which are able, not standing in their fullest honour?

Why are there those who suffer by and from war and who are hungry and in misery?  You who are privileged could say, oh, that the rest of the planet lives their lives in a state of poverty because of karma, but it is not you who is struggling so hard to survive.  Buddhism says that it is all about karma.  Is the CIA the programmer of the Dilly Dally’s karma and the karmic conditions of the future types of religion? What was the real purpose of the CIA creating such a rise in Buddhism by supporting the Dalai Lama from when he was small and even when he was being educated by Hitler’s men?  Was it that whoever is working behind the scenes wants to use Tibet and the masses around the world against China?  Or is there more to it?  Are they the supporters and controllers of a possible rise of conflicts in the world?  But who controls the CIA, which seemingly has much more power than the US president?

Isn’t it time that the world stops suffering from religions and poorly educated children who are being programmed that war is okay, reinforced by all the war toys on store shelves and in the movies?

Extraterrestrials, good and bad, are portrayed in the movies too.  But there are real ET activities upon the planet – from those who come from afar and from the ones no one speaks about.  There are those whose planets are rotating and floating closer to our planet so there are more travellers who will visit earth. Have you, may I ask, thought of where all the gold, platinum, silver, copper, aluminium, zinc, etc. from the planet have gone?  Do you realise that much of these materials leave this planet?  Where have the very precious stones gone, for diamonds are just very cheap crystals?  Who controls all this, or is it we who are being controlled?

We must feel sorry for all the people in Iraq and for the rest of the people upon the planet for we never know when things will be stirred up to fulfill the depopulation agenda.

Soon my prophecies being fulfilled will be seen even more.  My book reveals coming times.  Be mindful of your life and the way you live each moment.  Know to say no to the ones who are hungry for power over all.  Extraterrestrials are preparing for wars of the planets and are making planet earth part of that.

On Dec 23/70, I spoke to a roomful of people about robotic/drone type machines being in use and how other computers would evolve to be used to control and spy upon people.  At the time, people smiled.  Then I pointed out how they would be used as the killing machines of tomorrow.  Well, the tomorrow is now.  They are here and in use.  The USA has an arsenal larger than life itself.  The Pentagon already uses their supposed little (haha) power upon the planet to control.  But the CIA is not the USA army – what a surprise huh. Have you ever questioned why Japan has such a large robotic army?

The day will come when one monster government will rule the world using drones and robotics.  Hope that it is not you they rule but if you are young you might become the victims.  It is time to wake up, don’t you think?  This is not a movie.  It is your future. Change it now.

Don’t think that this discussion is not spiritual for spirituality is being in the know and coming from your spirit and soul.  When all is done, that is what survives – your soul and spirit – so keep them in a pure state so that you may live forever.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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