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Soul Whisper of the Day
"When you know there is hardship in the house next door, don't forget to smile and bring them an offering since the hardship passed by your door." - H.H. AlexandraCalling the Spiritually Awakened
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Category Archives: General
Hear the Voice Within
In your stillness you hear the angels speak. Be still and hear the voice within. Listen. You can’t run from you, ever. When you think you are alone, know that you are not. The unseen one is there.
Posted in General, Spirituality
Tagged angels, creator, hh alexandra, not alone, saoshyant, stillness, unseen
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2012 to 2014 – Your Call to Awaken to Peace and Compassion
I told the following to gatherings of people in 2012 but I am now calling the world to please listen. I am well aware that religious hatred and intolerance, be it between Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jews or other “isms,” is … Continue reading
Posted in General, Religion, Spirituality
Tagged 2012, 2013, 2014, compassion, creator, divine wisdom, hh alexandra, peace, religious hatred, saoshyant
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Peace is the Only Answer
I am in the know that every man, woman and child are going to come to reason that peace is the only answer. Come now and see that change is the only way to create reasoning about wars, religions, hate, … Continue reading