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Soul Whisper of the Day
"When you know there is hardship in the house next door, don't forget to smile and bring them an offering since the hardship passed by your door." - H.H. AlexandraCalling the Spiritually Awakened
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Category Archives: General
Prophecies, Seniors, Kindness
There will be danger from strange and unusual weather conditions in Australia and New Zealand. The USA, Canada and Sudan will experience unusual cyclones, tornadoes, rainfall and snow in some places which have never before seen it. In the spring/summer … Continue reading
Posted in General, Prophecy
Tagged angels, australia, britain, canada, earthquake activity, ethereans, harper, hh alexandra, new zealand, prophecies, royals, saoshyant, seniors, usa
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Times to Come (Part 6)
Every other day I will post a new page from my “Times to Come” article. Stay tuned for upcoming parts. The voice of Creator in the hearts of mankind has called and demonstrated to millions who will hear through healings … Continue reading
Times to Come (Part 5a)
Every other day I will post a new page from my “Times to Come” article. Stay tuned for upcoming parts. The Hopis warned humanity. The Algonquins told humanity to change, to stop the killing and hatred and to live pure … Continue reading
Posted in General, Religion, Spirituality
Tagged algonquin, creator, destruction, earth, etheran, hh alexandra, hopi, humanity, life, preaching, saoshyant, save, spirit
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