Gentle ones – you are called.
The time is now to experience the great evolution of consciousness. The awakened soul will call out. Small and great pain is now inevitable and suffering awaits the one who dares to rise out of darkness into the light of pure awakened being in order to live a serene life.
Know that you need to first harvest your rewards before I can teach you what it is that you will cook. Be ready to eat the bitter and the sweet. Know to digest to find peace. To generate light you must work before your dinner – to prepare – to be worthy. It will take soul commitment. Be ready. Come to the light. Evolve to peace.
You are born holy and born out of the rulers – creators of the universe. They are just like you since you forget where you began. This planet is your home. It matters a great deal. It is large and majestic. It is suited for all to live upon it.
Please don’t break the cities or bulldoze the valleys all flat. And, oh yes, keep the oceans and rivers clean since our mother/father Creator designed it so.
No, no … religions are not needed. They made a mess with their egos in the past. No lamas, no priests, no nuns and no religions beings. But, thanks for the offers.
The Creator really did take care of our planet and the other planets too. People learned about hatred from prejudice and from brainwashing too. They leaned about racism and of the rich and poor from caste systems since they believed some to be purer than others, and of phoney religious controllers and haters.
Now is the time for humanity to return to seeing who they are and what they believe in. Is it in a Creator who said not to kill? People from everywhere should think for it is impossible to misunderstand “no killing.” Yet, an excuse is that he or she is of a different religion or colour or even tribe. When our planet propels itself into the 2nd or 3rd polar shift are people going to say, “Wait, I am this or I am that.” All races and all animals are of one Creator.
The day has come to end the wars of all races, creeds and colours. If not, and you continue this arrogant life path you are on, then think for one moment and look around. See if you see people labelled as good or not good souls or spirits. Think of all the lovely people who live in fear of their fellow man and know not that this one or that one is racist or had a bad experience at the hands of someone of this religion or that faith or this or that race.
It is time to teach each child that all is well when giving love, kindness and compassion to mankind and the animal world – even the critters and wonderful fish beings and the whales and dolphins. Now it is our turn to love life and all that lives.
To this planet it matters whether or not you are peaceful and step out of the way of hatred of all kinds. Know to be prepared for our planet to shake it baby …. shake, rock and roll all over … and to end all the warring and destroying that mankind builds.
We need to say no to children – no to participating in wars. Learn to overcome programmed racism. Let there be no phoney spiritual teachings for our planet’s children.
Now is the time to keep pure prayers going and to show the world the way to honour and love. Know the memories that souls would like to change.
When we light a candle for the planet, free from selfish need and hate, don’t forget to shine a light everyday to light up the hearts for millions.
Yes, all are born pure of one Creator. Give the Palestinians land to build a lasting home for children to play. Yes, I hear you Israel but put yourself in their place. Know that I survived WWII and we lost our home and family members. I also know the political games played. But children need to feel that they belong in a place – just like you do. For all children racism is bad. Children are innocent and programming of hatred in them needs to end. Children are the future.
End games of hatred – in sports and war. End attacks on all that lives and the so-called accidental killings around the planet. Free souls – free, yes free, on earth.
Let there be no more stories of why there is need to war. Know if Iran continues the building of war equipment so for others too will there need to come fines for all who create bombs and weapons to kill or destroy.
Peace is possible in wisdom. Come and reason. Use all energy to grow peace and harmony.
Bless all life now. Say no to hatred. It is up to you to start the change.