Women’s Rights, Motherhood and Nurturers

Know that before birth, and even before the creation of the so many planets, universes and galaxies, that all have female and male energy – even our planet earth and all its living creatures.  Now we must see the struggle of the female/male world power – one-upmanship.  We see the hard time it is to live life out of balance.  If in reality Creator is female mother / father, then we need to awaken to the form of respect for life – male and female. We need to awaken to the fact that experiments are taking place to create one male/female being in order to cut out the female race, to cut back the global population and to create a society of workers (i.e. slaves).  We need to realise again in this time that the planet is in a state of control of the material world order, with the spiritual energy in conflict.  The “own and be owned” energy is in flux.  There is economical unrest with now millions in turmoil – at a loss, with no jobs.  There are war-like energies and polar shift activities.  So, now is the time to return to spiritual living – awakening and creating peace, compassion and freedom – returning to holy life.  Living is not simple.  Reclaim the divine mother in us all to know the divine child.

May I remind all on planet earth that innocence needs to return and be celebrated.  Respect.  The road to the ancient way was and still is the divine.  If you have lived a corrupt existence, search your heart and your inner self.  Set free greed and lies.  Come pure.  Apologise to self and to others.  Change is needed now, not more greed.  Fear is part of greed and of being what others want to make you.  Be you.  Open up your soul – not religions.  Your soul needs spiritual commitment.  Be still.  Be pure soul.  Follow the inner window into your spirit soul being.  Know you.  Meet Creator.  Learn to go inside to raise up.  Raise to pure life and living.  Meditate through inner chanting and stillness.  Call us.  Reach out to you.  Change.  Discipline self.  Know to stop the chatter in self.  Ask us.  There is kindness in you.

Reach us at info@saoshyant.org.  Come…

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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