Winter Solstice – The Return of Light

Today, a lunar eclipse occurred, coinciding with the day of the winter solstice. The last time this occurred was 372 years ago during the time of Galileo Galilei.

This can bring the greatest joy to most of humanity because of return of the perfect light – to awaken all of humanity to come into a perfect awareness that there is one Creator in the universes and for all those who have been created to come together and remember the kindness and goodness that has come to humanity for centuries.

Realise that the time of 2011 is fast approaching – a time when so many soft and hard changes will come into being.  I call everyone to go into deeper consciousness and start living in great depth of soul, reaching out to all and to awaken the planet into greater spirituality.

Make this a great, special year to open your hearts and consciousness and to prepare for great spiritual and material changes in the near future.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Be kind and loving.  Reach out to everyone you meet.  Today your enemy can tomorrow be your friend.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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