We Must Awaken to Kindness

Ever in immoral order or struggling to a moral order, humanity needs to come to a time of forgiving and understanding cosmic flow and influences.  We need, as the whole of humanity, to strive towards a moral living truth – to look at self, each and everyone – to be a naked being – to come free from immoral greed in an “I am the one,” or “We are the ultimate rulers of the plane” mentality, which does not leave space for harmony and freedom from war living.

Evolve to become good and to truly be kind and just, now before it is too late.  We must  prevent the great egotistical “I must rule” game which will see millions starve and create uproar in an already “me, me” society, which is bursting in selfish pursuits.

The planet needs truth, kindness and freedom from religious bigots of great ego who will not bring peace.  Ending all religious strife stops the great fires or flooding.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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