I came into the body and have come to this part of our planet to awaken you, as I was awakened to the wrongs of what came into being through religions. I tasted the bitter gall created through hatred of races, differences in religions and ancient practices of beliefs.
I am calling to open all hearts to a changing time. I am native Mi’kmaq. I am Dutch. I am Italian. I am Canadian. I am of this planet and so are you – all of you. I know the new tomorrow. So do you. One Creator for all, without differences of what we look like or what language we speak or even how much money we have or have not.
Peace is what we desire for all. I came to bring love of Creator to all. I am calling you to rise up and help each other. Feed the broken, hungry and sick. Reach out to each one you meet. Help the helpless today. Tomorrow it could or will be you.
Open your hearts. Times are changing and you need to be aware and ready. Help all who need help.