The Warring Gods

In 2010 it will become visible to all that the Gods on and above earth, as well as in the universe, are at war.  A battle over universal power is taking place where the ultimate prize is the number of souls gathered under the individual gods.  Evidence will be shown in fights between and amongst religions and religious sects. This is the last major power struggle between the gods that will take place here before 2016.  These gods and the armies that serve them have the power to materialise and dematerialise. They also can selectively create natural disasters such as earthquakes.

All will become aware of the fallen gods, their powers and their dark angels.  People will also come to realise the forces of light and of the Etherean beings, as many will hear of miraculous rescue stories and accounts of healings.

People will also become aware of other planets, universes and the ideas, medicines and technologies that come from there.  Economies will change.  Space communications and travel will become common.   There will be attempts by scientists to capture souls through electronic devices and rays, to entrap the divine into glass containers using infrared light and magnetics.

It is well known that through created séances, gods or the spirit world can be called into manifestation.  So all on earth should remember to think of peace and have memory of the many gods and when they lived amongst earthlings, before and after the last polar shift.

You need to now realise that the fallen god named Looeamong is actively gathering souls through hatred seeded in religions and religions’ hate of one another.  The fallen gods under Looeamong who are in a power struggle, create wars above us as well as on earth.  The more people who are killed, the more souls they gather to their side.

We can see the proof each and every day in religions fighting religions, whether it is Christian versus Jew, or Muslim versus Christian, or Christian versus Buddhist, etc., that none of them practice “thou shalt not kill.”  As long as people are participants in war, the rest of the world cries out for peace, kindness and compassion and to not practise deceit or to be involved in wars.  Should governments not be examples for their people rather than tools of ultimate destruction of life?

Looeamong was a lower god who created a power struggle long ago.  He was the one who created the Triune (the Trinity).  After the last major polar shift, he settled in Hapsendi, in the cosmic plane above Egypt with two other gods and a goddess in order to seek universal power to first be used to gain control over planet earth.

Baal and Astaroth were defeated by Looeamong and later joined him.  Looeamong said that he would wash the planet with the blood and cries of humans.  He stole the history from Baal and made it his.  Looeamong became the head of religions. The Buddha formerly known as Kabalactes was false.  He was not the same as the one of ancient times, who was male/female in one, and existed prior to the last major polar shift.

You are living in the greatest time in the history of the universe in which the final battle between light and dark forces will play out.  Policing by computer will increase. Your every move and action will be monitored.  Sophisticated technology that is not from earth will soon come into view.

Be aware that a form of Olympics will eventually take place between people on earth and between people from earth and beings from other planets. After 2024, this will take the place of wars.

Seek to be pure soul and create peace.  Honour and be kind to your elders.  Stop all hatred now.  Know not to kill anything.  Create honour.  Allow no religious hatred or killing.   Be strong.  Do good deeds.  The Creator – the All of the All – the Lord over all universes – says to live pure, kind, compassionate, vegetarian lives and to not partake in killing of anything created.

Through compassion and kindness we will bring harmony to a planet in pain.

More about this topic in “Be in the Know.”

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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9 Responses to The Warring Gods

  1. TheUndefeatedLife says:

    It is nice to visit here. I wanted to add that currently as in the past these areana games are currently going on atop of the lower plateaus.

    Re: Looeamong… What we see today happening with the Global world system is an exact replica of historical events throughout the various resurrections of Dan. I feel so alone in this world. The fallen and angels are so far apart from the harmony that will be the eventual outcome. I would just say to you that you (me, we) need to understand that eventually we also will be gods. That there are many gods. I guess the real question is which god will you be? Copy Book of ES 15. So, God was strong in resolution to let evil take its course; and, so, in all countries where the false Kriste had been afflicting mortals, God withdrew his protecting hosts, leaving those countries and those heavens to take their course. 16.

    And it came to pass, the angels of vengeance came forth for battle; to battle other angels, and to obsess mortals unto battle also, and all against the false Kriste. 17. Thus was opened the door for the split in Looeamong’s doctrines, which was to ultimate in the entire overthrow of the Trinity, and of the Holy Ghost, and of Looeamong also, under his false name. 18. Thus did war begin again on earth, and in Looeamong’s heavens, about himself and his doctrines. 19. To make matters worse for himself, he established angel emissaries in his earthly kingdom, in Roma, to inspire the popes to cause mortals to be scourged, imprisoned and put to death for heresy, and these things were done in the name of Kriste and the Holy Ghost. 20. And it came to pass that no man could express a word, or thought, reflecting upon Looeamong’s earthly doctrines or government, without falling a victim to mortal and angel emissaries of this false Kriste.

    Verily were many of these mortal cities obsessed by angels of darkness and evil. 21. In course of time, behold, mortals, inspired by vengeance-loving spirits, rose up against Looeamong’s popes and cardinals, and protested against the abnegation of man’s right to think for himself; and these people called themselves, protestants, professing that there were two Kristes, a true one and a false one, and, moreover, that they themselves were worshipers of the true Kriste. 22. Nevertheless, they were also under the inspiration of evil angels, for they fell to work burning and flaying their opponents also. I think we need to pray that our Creator will not remove his protection during these times of darkness. We are as children having been blinded at birth with dishonesty. We also need to claim our power and as has been said, “Go forth, concur the elements. thanks, TheUndefeatedLife

  2. Saoshyant says:

    Dear Undefeated – Whatever gods one desires to be in the long-ahead future, we first have to progress to become Ethereans and angels by serving the planet and saying no to wars, racism and hatred. Thus, give back to Creator that which belongs to Creator and stop Looeamong in his tracks. It is now so visible, as is taught by Ethereans to humanity in uplifted meetings and as the Ethereans taught to humanity in writings from Oahspe. Now, more than ever, realise that we are not alone. Give thanks to Creator and the wonderful worlds beyond. Gather together like-wise acquaintances and friends, such as yourself.

    Wishing you peace profound.

    • Your words are full of love and understanding. I am having a hard time finding like minded persons who are not all too easily taken away in the desire for the mundane. If they have a message to uplift the masses, so many are charging for this life sustaining information. Dismay….. 🙁 Can you commercialize Love?
      Isn’t putting a price on the pleasing effects of love and living through love akin to prostitution? How does the commercial fit into the physical? I wish there were others for me… I appreciate your reply. Thank You….

      • Hello and welcome. Thank you for writing. You may wish to read my Oct 13th blog entry “What Matters Is Your Soul and Spiritual Journey on Earth.” You cannot commercialize love nor the message brought for Creator. Yet, the messenger has to survive in this physical world. People’s concepts about money are often founded on the fear they have of it and on the greed they witness from it, rather than on the sharing of resources for the common good. Money is just another form of energy exchange and when used fairly and in balance does not feed desire for the mundane.

        • TheUndefeatedLife says:

          I read the post you mentioned. And yes, I agree that money exchange is needed for sustenance. Nothing wrong there. It’s just that it seems to me that in order to prosper monetarily in today’s commerce you must compromise at some point. Instance, a favorite site I visit loads btwn 45 to 100 tracking cookies. If these are being sold or given to government, then I have put another person in harms way. However, we must all find our path and take the chances that seeking requires.
          Much love.

          • the undefeated – there are many ways and vices used for commerce, whether right or wrong but the spiritually minded are the ones who are in balance and will not fall for false commercial advertising or politics. They will rise above all these things and become more true and enlightened in their spirituality. So, soul growth continues.

  3. TheUndefeatedLife says:

    I agree with you; but, must ask this question…

    Do you think that the spiritually minded you mention above will be able to live in monetary wealth while on this world? I find it difficult to see wealth in business as there is soooo….. much compromise that must occur in order to manage commerce in today’s world. So then I say to myself, “How can a spiritually minded soul serve two masters?, how can we honor ethical values and honor our fellow man when we, in many ways, sell them short in order to move ahead?”

    There is a quiet stillness that holds the answer, and it is quietly growing within the hearts of those that seek an answer to that question. Thank you for living with a desire to share a message of true wisdom wrapped in love.


  4. Dear undefeated life…. If one mentally has been programmed into the mundane of earning, making, creating or stealing – it matters not – the outcome is always the same. It is money. When the money is allowed to flow (doing good, uplifting the suffering for man, beast or nature) money has many, many possibilities other than being hoarded. Hoarding comes from fear. When fear is involved it afflicts the soul. So, when we open the window of our soul and communicate with the spiritual side of our brain and being, then we will not sit and wait for a sign of the all good. We act because we are endowed with the energies of the all good and do good, as Creator would have us do.

  5. TheUndefeatedLife says:

    Hi again, and I wish you a very full and wonderful Christmas. The mundane is the beast that encompasses us, it is that which we must master, tame, and overcome. Your words about the spiritual mind are well taken. I have a sense of love for you today.
    We are so much more than that which encompasses our lives, than those materials that we have or use to help represent us – the self. Now even Selfie Pictures are so important, yet so trivial. The more we look outside of ourselves to see ourselves, the more we fail to see and recognize our true being within. Thank goodness for Love, this is the one thing (the ability to grow in love) that we have been given that can save us from ourselves when we begin to communicate with our heart. You are completely correct I think about fear being a reason for hording.

    Thank you

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