People need to understand that they all have the spark of life from Creator within them that allows them all to become gods. It takes the deep linking in to one’s spirituality to rise above earthly darkness and disharmony.
There are some good gods and some who are not so good. Some, with great intent, have forgotten when they were quickened into life by Creator that they were not really all powerful and rather would like to forget that they were quickened into life by an energy much greater than they.
Those who kill others are totally deranged and they shall be hunted in the after-life by those who are also deranged. Even those who give orders to kill others have a tremendous burden and karma to carry. Then there are those who come to re-educate and harvest them for retraining in the after-life, but this process can go on for up to 100,000 years.
If you want to know if there is reincarnation, go to someone who does deep hypnosis and ask for a glimpse of you as a being in your before-birth journey.
Living in great consciousness and awareness and doing the best you can each and every day is definitely the best thing you can do.
Remember that the flame and spark of godliness is in each and everyone