I respect the unknowable All of the All – to be known in the souls of the ones who open their hearts and seek peace in kind, pure living to open the portal of all essences. I say be silent. Open your heart. The All of the All calls you in your consciousness, offers peace and appears in light and dark and in fear and joy. It offers no jails to be bonded or chained to one or another belief system. It has no silver or gold, nor diamonds or rubies, or fine art or anger. Even joy will call the sacred name to step before all in great light or fire or even darkness.
In your knowingness abandon jealousy and hatred. End all wars of religions and greedy ways. Not one owns the earth. It is falsely claimed by so many, as if only theirs. Know it. The unnameable to all is there to create a desire for a time of peace. Honour all the unseen, the divine energy mystery of life, the pure spark in you and all. Know it to have a million names to be honoured and practiced.
Know peace in you. You can’t capture it. Practise it through your honour. It is neither male nor female. It is the name of all the stars, the planets from afar and galaxies of creation. Come. Honour the All of the All as one. Have peace. Feel it when you look at the skies over oceans, deserts and forests. Hear in silence your soul’s voice calling out the millions of names for peace in you. Steal no lives. You will pay much. Killing has a great price for eternity.