Taking Humanity off the Cross

The time is now for taking humanity from the cross and giving each human the wheel of life, making all responsible for the actions they choose each day.

It is time for education in the home to come into freedom from religious murders, bigotry, hatred and racism; for ending the misguided “I am better that you” scenarios; for returning to Zarrathustra’s teachings; for being free of false claims;  and for respecting all life.

We are one planet sharing resources and food.  End the oil greed. Stop throwing the planet out of balance by siphoning the blood out of its core.  Its magnetic balance is disturbed when iron and other metals are taken out – resources it needs to remain stable.

Taking people off the religious cross is necessary.  Spirituality needs to awaken to create peace, not through Rome and Vatican.  Let there be no more lying and conjuring Mithra offerings and the other break offs of Vatican – the Mormons, Muslims, Protestants and the masters – the Masons,  as well as the others.  Know how the bondage operates through politics.  Is the Dalai Lama a poor man?  He sits with his relations on gold-gilded seats, while being a master politician for the USA and a high-seated Mason.

We see the bombing of Muslim versus Muslim, like before when it was Christian versus Christian.  All know not to break the law given by Creator to the Gods.  No killing, said Moses.

The Creator ordered women to give birth. Women are declared holy. They give birth to humanity and are thus pure. All men are born of women.  As men came through their mothers, so should they honour them – by decree.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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