Spiritual and Religious Movements

Spiritual movements …. religious movements … are they tools to arouse the masses?.

I am aware that for thousands of years there have come and gone the various forms of one or another type of worshipping.  The remnants are scattered around the globe.  No one sees the lack of kindness, or they desire by decree to open their hearts to each other in human love and caring.  It seems that egotistic programming, as in a form of racism, will not allow you to have a different belief or to look different. This person is black and of pure spirit.  That person is very white and of pure spirit.  These people are copper coloured and of pure spirit.

There is no difference.  Creator made them all.  All are living on the same planet and went through the same journeys of growth.  Some are wise and poor. Some are rich and stupid.  Many have no real spiritual self and are not aware.

Let us see our conditions and how fast all changes are taking place.  The masses are still out of harmony with their universal Creator.  It seems that the many gods are still not in the know that the all-pure energy of Creator told humanity not to kill each other for, “I created your soul to evolve. I see you are not evolving. You are ruled by greed, not compassion.”

You still have the broken ones living ion the cold and cruel streets with no home to call their own.  No food for the soul is fed to them.  Only religions tempt by this one and that one.  Even all your Christian religions do not know selfless love.  Join us. We are the ones, they say, that are the real ones.  The Creator says, “Do you follow what I did and still do say?  No killing.  Have respect for all life – man and beast – all I have created.  I am the mother, the father of all creations. I did not say you are this Muslim or that Muslim, this Christian or that Christian, or this Jew or that Jew, or this tribal woman or that tribal man.”

There are Mormons who believe, as Rome did, that breeding children like bunnies and having over population is not a problem.  In the Netherlands for a good Roman Catholic woman to have 22 children is serving Christ.  In some sects of Mormons one man can have 36 children with no worries for the planet.

In poor countries there is not enough food and no spiritual reasoning or love for the one on the street.

I see the young lama on the street, with the older one, begging.  He must learn from the old man.  He can’t work and must harvest people for the Buddha.  There is no love left, no caring – just the chanting he does.  His Buddha wants it so he is tired and he looks at the old man who tells him he needs to slave to set himself free of his old karma, that he remembers not.  He slaves every day and he gives his money until he has none.  He begs for food and cash.  He gets none.  His master’s master has it all.

The young women and the older ones knock on doors and tell stories of the end times, freaking out the non-believers that the world is coming to an end and to come and join us – give us your cash.

“I, your Creator, love all life.  I created and create. I sent you Zarathustra to teach you right from wrong and give hope to change and live a pure life, as he knew the way to real heaven.  He is the most all-perfect spirit.  He is the one who knows life-after-life in my realm. He loves the poor and the religiously lost who do not remember my teachings… the ones who forgot all life I quicken into being.  Know that the counts of the lost are written.”

Change must awaken.  Your body is your temple.  Honour it.  No one can save you.  Awaken.  You must come as one and live in kindness.  Honour the earth.  Stop all wars.  Be kind to the animals.  Care.  Kill no one.  Smile.  Live life in peace.  Share the planet. Stop all hatred.  Act in the know.  Undo all racial hatred.  It is not too late to change.

Soul is soul.  All hearts need to beat as one.  Save your planet.  Honour everyone.  Feed the poor.  Clean up your act.  Everyone say no to hate and self-destroying wars.

There is one Creator for one planet.  People are people of one pure soul.  Meditate on it.  All is energy.  Have no mother or father send out his or her child to kill another child.  Save the planet.  Life is forever.  Save your soul.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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