I submitted the following comment to Anderson Cooper’s blog on CNN. The post was not approved.
As a WW II survivor I have seen and experienced the horrors of war firsthand. Many in my family were lost to the concentration camps. I watch with disgust and horror at what is happening in Gaza right now. Do they want to precipitate WW III? Hatred is being fuelled in the Arab world. Many in the international community are calling for a cease-fire. What is the matter with people? Oxfam is not agreeing with the Israeli story regarding their access to provide humanitarian aid. Is this a quick use of weapons to kill and destroy property, and make the poor, homeless and helpless the true victims of this assault? This reminds me of Iraq and the make-believe story of the USA providing humanitarian aid in food, medicine and water. Just look to who benefits from war for the answers – the weapons manufacturers and later the commercial enterprises and those promoting the New World Order depopulation agenda. Where are GWB and Condi Rice in all this? It seems Cheney is in full agreement with Israel, but what else is new. The time of this event, before a new administration takes over in the USA in later January 2009, makes one take pause, given that the USA has veto power at the UN. I am appalled that Canadian Prime Minister Harper continues to lick the boots of GWB, like the cowering puppy at the end of a tight leash. Canadians are not warmongers and should return to their role as peacemakers and peacekeepers.
I was named the “Little Prophet Extraordinaire” by media during WW II as I was used by the Dutch underground for my prophetic abilities to help save thousands of lives. They listened to me then when I was only 5 years old. Why won’t they listen to me now when I tell them that what will happen not only in the Middle East but globally, if this situation is allowed to continue and conditions escalate.
I have long foretold too that we are not experiencing global warming but rather are in a polar wobble, the precursor to a polar shift. Every time a bomb is dropped, the atmospheric conditions change. Climate is affected. The earth itself can be jolted into a full on polar shift. It is time for humanity to wake up. Make peace!