Peace on Earth and Respect for All Life

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas or whatever you call the season.

You, who say that you have a god, what kind of god is it that you follow or believe?  Have you seen him or her?  Is it the god of fire some ancient tribe believes exists?  Or it is the god of hatred who sends with great inspiration men so young and green into war, who know not life, and women who want to be brave like men?  Or is it the ancient liars who say they need to go?  Go for what?  Is there a confused god that kills what he created?  Or is it more ominous?  Are there dark spirits playing in the minds of the people?  Are the people confused?  Why send your child to a war created for commerce to produce more weapons and keep the coffin makers, priests, preachers, rabbis, mullahs and who knows who else busy?

What about Creator who said thou shalt not kill that what I created.  How about these kings, queens, preachers, priests, rabbis and mullahs?  What about their souls?

Ah, I know it well.  I survived WW II and heard the accounts of WW I and so on.  Is it by design to make money and to clear up the so-called overpopulation – the victims of hatred and greed?

What about you?  Are you a vegan who serves rabbit for Christmas to your guests?  Or is it steak?

See, there it is again.  Don’t leave it to destiny. Play god.  Don’t listen to Creator. Create genocide for First Nations’ peoples. Kill them. Rob them. And say, thou shalt not kill what I created.  Don’t live by my words.  Hate one another.  Believe the liars. It makes life easier.  Be comfy while your neighbour suffers.  Don’t educate about abstinence on a planet in distress.  Thou shalt not kill, said Moses.  But he did not mean that, say the rabbis and priests.

Think change.  Care.  Make peace.  Share.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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