A word from volunteers who work with H.H. Alexandra…
Please help us find a benefactor to support H.H. Alexandra’s work…
Dear friends,
Have you ever wanted to do something that makes a difference in the world –– to do something tangible – but you just don’t know what? This is your chance! It will only take a couple of minutes of your time and a few clicks on social media.
Help the many who are living in fear of dying. Give hope to those who are ill. Empower victims of war to know that life continues for those who lost their physical life. Help break down barriers between people of different beliefs, colour and backgrounds. How? Help get H.H. Alexandra’s book “Your Soul’s Eternal Journey” published. Let it be a vehicle to help bring peace, harmony and change upon the planet and raise the consciousness of humanity.
Beyond this, H.H. Alexandra has other books ready to go and is anxious to lecture (in response to the many requests from so many of you) for the information she has to give is critical to educate and empower people through the times of change we are now in and to raise people’s compassion. This is a critical time for the world to awaken and everyone in the know to be empowered.Those of you who have followed her prophecies over the years only have to turn on the news to witness them coming about.
As many of you know, H.H. Alexandra has spent her lifetime selflessly helping others. – always the one out there for everyone – helping those in need, whether it was rescuing kids on the street; bringing train box cars full of food to the hungry on native reserves in Alberta; setting up suicide prevention lines that helped save many lives; taking the homeless into her home and giving them a hand up, self-esteem and dignity; coaching people in their transition to the afterlife; saving thousands of lives as a child during WW II by giving prophetic information on how to make people safe; or giving a huge amount of educational, revealing and powerful information on our past, present and future and on our spiritual soul journey.
Please help us find a benefactor(s) to support H.H. Alexandra’s work! Her work going out will help so many around the world to be empowered. If you can spread the word on social media or talk to people you know, you will be doing such a great good deed!
And our most sincere and grateful thanks to those who have followed and supported H.H. Alexandra’s work over the years.
People you know who are interested in supporting H.H. Alexandra’s work can do so by contributing directly 
or by contacting us at info@saoshyant.org
With our warm gratitude. Many blessings to all.
– the volunteers