Prophecy Watch – 6.7M Earthquake off Vancouver Island

On Wednesday April 22 2014, there was a 6.7 earthquake (and aftershocks) off the coast of Northern Vancouver Island in Canada. Those who have taken heed of my warnings of escalating earthquake activity in the area are seeing that what I have spoken of is coming about and that there is wisdom in being prepared.

The very high earthquake risk window in an already high risk year continues through the end of April.


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The Soul Lives On

Are we creating, or are you part of creating, more selfish lands – yes, lands on the earth plane – with greater wars, hatred, greed, racism and religious bigotry?

Let us all search our hearts.  Is fear, greed, race or religion (different brands of Christians, Jews, Muslims and others) making it so we no longer strive to be free of hatred and wars or even that we no longer try to harmonize sects or for men to respect women?

Raise up a loving, respectful generation for 2016 instead of creating wars or mass starvation, which bring change through manipulation.  I have warned of what is at hand.  Love is needed now as is respect for all life.  Yes, the soul lives on.  Conscience is part of the soul – pure life energy – the great part of all being.

When death enters the body to decay it, the soul departs.  It is amazing to see that great souls like Abraham Lincoln, who was a follower of Zarathustra and the Creator, knew that there is no death and that there are many different types of being and layers that the great expanse offers to all.  Christians have their own created places – various forms of heaven and hell.  The Jews have a form of afterlife or they must wait.  The Muslims have their own created places too.   Today, with spiritualism and spiritism come personal responsibility for all actions done on earth – good or bad.   The United Nations projects risks of food and water shortages and extinctions of animals and plants.  We must all take personal responsibility for the planet too.

Healing rays from Creator to you provide spiritual upliftment for your soul celebration.  Come, commit to your soul journey and live a new beginning, pure and free of guilt.  Integrate in a new way of life.

DNA, health and spirituality are all impacted by stress and conscious awareness of bad actions and how others are affected and what the vibrations do to our environments – from people to cats and dogs and even to the bird in a cage – and how they will affect the next generation.

May all people around the earth be aware that religious hatred and confusion exists and that humanity needs to sit back and learn to live as pure souls and to honour and respect the all of the all who offered them pure soul, as well as to respect all living beings and mother earth.

There are benefits to your soul from kind, compassionate deeds.  Share now.  Meditate on love.  Chant to bring love energy to earth and to bring change.  Chant to uplift your loved ones in their spiritual world, filling all with love and joy.  CDs will soon will available from me to help you.


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Losing Your Freedom

Long ago I foretold of the great loss of privacy people would experience as monitoring and control systems would be put in place to track you like a duck.  I also said that Canada would be one of the worst places on the planet for these kinds of violations – passed right under people’s radar. Heads up.  You are losing your freedom.

See “Privacy watchdog slams Toronto police for sharing suicide-attempt reports with U.S.

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