Condolences – Plane Crash in Eastern Ukraine

For the family and friends of those killed in Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine, know that all your loved ones are blessed by all angels.  Their love lasts forever for you as does your love for them.

Wishing you peace and strength profound.


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Meditate on Compassion and Peace










Let us all meditate on the awakening of great wisdom to attain pure peace.  Call for the unleashing of true compassion, free of racism of humanity, to be free to live life in harmony.  Immerse all on a great meditation to connect with the all of all universes and draw on the great love from all souls created to live life in peace and forgiveness so all may heal and become one in divine nature, helping and loving creation of the all pure energy.

May we all celebrate as one in our hearts.

Let there be peace for all.

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To Awaken in Compassion







The new great awakening is now. Millions run to awaken or to be awakened to greater spirituality or new ageism. It matters not to you or others how hard you run, or if you are so silent, how hard you worked on others and what effort was created. Our planet is still waiting for change and so are you. Those of all colours need to end all racism, hatred and prejudice between rich and poor by educating each other that all are alike.

Will it be possible to teach respect of “I am I” and “you are you” and we will honour all life and stop greed and the need to steal or abuse one another. We see that some feel superior over others because of religion, education or so-called family status.

Yes, being rich helps to get what you want and being crafty helps too I see. Then there are others who lean on others – the freeloaders – men who have women work while they play needy and women too young to hold a job who are trained and married out and who become baby factories without choice. Then there are victims created from a young age of 8 to 10 to become thieves or prostitutes. Yes, there are those too who are programmed to become nuns and priests. The spiritual beings stand by, not wanting to upset the apple cart. Are you and others not out to make change?

So, what is it? Do you offer no help since you feel they all need to work – be they the 7-year-old girl or boy who is abused by miserable, mean persons as still happens today, or the elder – the woman or man who struggles to survive in this world and is abused by relatives, or the hanger-ons who do not know how to work and who hang out in places where there are others who are wanting to be rich but never made it since not one sane being believes them. You can see it in their eyes. They are dreamers of nothing and they come in all colours, right? Everyone knows one. Think.

So, what is left is compassion for the one who struggles to rise or kindness to the one they are making a change for – those ones we will help, as well as even the kind one who daringly calls Creator for all.

Let us help the dreamer who believes in us. Loving wisdom rises you up. The hour is your time now.   I wish you well and smile while you love all.  Help yourself by helping others to find love.

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