The Vancouver Rental Crisis


Image from Vancouver Province June 3, 2016

The hot Vancouver real estate market has seen dramatic increases in the value of homes that has now extended throughout the lower mainland. You hear of bidding wars and homes selling well over asking prices (some at more than $1 million) or flips being done that double house prices within 2 years).

What you don’t hear a lot about is the impact all this has had on the rental market. Vacancy rates are less than .5%.  There are bidding wars taking place in the rental market too. Almost as soon as something is posted it is gone. Unscrupulous landlords are asking for three to 12 months rent in advance when only 1.5 months is legally allowed.  Builders are renting tear-down homes that are in deplorable conditions, while they await building permits,and charge atrocious prices (e.g. $2,500 to $3,000) .

Meanwhile 12,000 units sit empty. Investors have invested and let homes and condos sit vacant. House prices have been driven up. Rental prices have been driven up.

I have witnessed the rental crisis firsthand and at 78 I am also victim of it so I understand the hardship others are experiencing and feel deeply for them. I’ve watched resources disappear while trying to find housing and survive while being homeless. It takes funds to leave too, which is a catch 22.

I have spoken about the market crashing in past prophecies. I foretell that the housing market in Vancouver will crash this year. By December 2016,  Vancouver will not be the same place. Renters will benefit from the declining values but it will be too late for many of us.

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Time to Take Off Your Rose-coloured Glasses

The great time of change is now upon us. Many may have not yet come to the realization that this time has come. It seems that it will speed up within the next 2 years and become more visible. The wise and spiritual are awakened to the need of moving to places upon the planet where they can continue a peaceful, tranquil and meditative way of life, to be empowered and to be there to guide, uplift and assist their family members during the changing times.

As I have provided empowering and stabilizing guidance to so many over the past 50 years, I now offer to everyone to remove their rose-coloured glasses and be in the know.  Come together together to form a chain of compassion and love to vibrate all souls of all races, creeds and colours as one.

For those who are living under a higher vibration of soul, please get in touch .



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Victims of War

A man, a fool, another man and a cruel fool with no heart stand side by side.

Other men, who say this is not their will, stand waiting. They see the pain, the rubble of buildings and people running for their lives.

Never did so much hatred so strongly manifest pain, tears and fear so great.

They see it in the faces of each child who first see it like a bad game with no winners.

But to see a lost child call out for life and safety, they know this is a child who will never forget.


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