Let no one play Creator or god and decide who will live or pass away – called dying instead of transition. Transition is by decree of self and an agreement. No one else is in an empowered state of their soul to make a judgement on life for you or another. Know it.
Every moment someone will take a life by passing a judgement over all. In war people say to kill – it is free – there is no penalty. But no one told the soldier that when he/she goes and kills another, that they will meet again.
During WW II there was a very young German soldier (Hitler youth) who was rescued by my father and told by him not to kill. The young soldier went back to the war and later returned in uniform with a grenade in hand, ready to kill us all. He was only 14 or 15 years old and had been programmed to kill. But when he took out the pin of the grenade and was ready to throw it, the grenade exploded and killed him instead.
He came from the other world in 1999. A new minister/medium came to speak at a gathering of spiritualists from Great Britain. The medium started to speak and the young soldier came through with a message for me. He said he was sorry and gave evidence of his life during the war as a young teen soldier for Hitler. My father’s lecture to him about not killing became a drama of forever for him, as he gave evidence of continual life.
There have been others who came forth from the other world over the years and gave evidence of life after death and communicated – “May love touch you all and heal the world.”
Let us not make judgements. Let Creator call all to compassion for all. Judge no one.