
If you know you are a life, act like it.  Honour life each day.

If you know you are a spiritual being, act in compassion for all life.

If you believe in life and being alive, then live in your honour and kill no one – man, woman or beast – in ego or rage, for it will kill your soul.  You will suffer great pains. Some of you will be bitter and go insane from your past actions.

Love, compassion and caring are real.  Don’t be lazy in your life. Act in a spiritual way.  Kill no one.

Have honour today and tomorrow in all ways. Be strong. Have harmony now.

Harmony, respect and kindness are life. Rage kills all.


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Earth Day – No Wars, Peace


The time I have told about in the past has arrived. There is a great danger through religions and the disagreements between them. Yet, we need to respect all and the way they believe. Seed peace and compassion.  There are so many dangers today from wars and religious attacks and because of racial differences. Then there is the stress from struggling economies, poverty of seniors, and women who are victims of divorce or of early widowhood.  Respect yesteryear.

Today there is no respect for seniors. See how they, as well as widowers and widows, are treated where you are located.  We need to see change in people to have compassion for the weak and homeless since there are many invasions taking place around the planet and many displaced and suffering people. My prophecies of war, conflicts and hardship are coming into reality.

I have to note that while my messages circle the planet, there are many who do not let us know the value of those messages to themselves.  We appreciate others who do and thank them. One person in Perth, Australia calls my work the message of true life in the make offered to all and that my fulfilled prophecies are proof for the world. I hope that my messages empower all they reach.

Today is earth day. Thank Creator and our planet in pain.  Let everyone think to let there be no wars and to have peace on earth. Say, “Let it begin with me.” Yes, it is about offering to all at home and around the world. Donate to the poor.  Help your neighbour.  And if you can, I ask for help too please for our work to continue to go out to the world. Thanks to all, wherever you reside. If you are empowered in your mind, you can create a better today.

You are good.

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Your Computer Jailer is Here Now


Should we fear the computer more than Hitler?  It polices globally.  In the wrong hands it is the most dangerous tool ever invented.

Your computer jailer is now here, just as I prophesised in 1961.

Computers – are they good or evil? They control and spy on your every way of being. Ah, you say, but it is free.  Is it free?  Or is it a great price you pay?

You are watched and analyzed and either you are praised or condemned.  You need to know that you are studied.  Maybe you are a test victim for commerce and politics.  You are used to being treated like cattle and controlled.  When you interact, your location can be tracked. The new TV watches you at random or at someone’s will. There is no protection.

You need to research your private life.  I know a TV expert from Japan. He unplugs his TV and covers it when it’s not in use. He told me to beware for the times at hand and of spying through computers and cell phones.

When those watching do not like your actions or places you go, they have you like a dog on a leash. Then the next time you need to watch out.  Lawyers will be voracious when there is something to take from you. Mass amounts of people will become victims of the lazy, ‘me, me” only caring beings or the ones who do only for ‘me, me’ and are not willing to rise up today.

A shift is taking place in the universes over this planet. As was foretold, a shift in compassion is needed. There are beings who are confused in their religions and who have demeaned the name of the Creator of all and of all life to be held in honour and esteem.

Online computer’s privacy is now for birdies who sing their own song – greedy and controlling. Facebook is a type of control over the masses.  You are analyzed and have lost your freedom.  Your computer is your jailer. Watch out. Be free.  Don’t give away your life to be controlled.

Sleep in your home will soon be controlled as will be the food you eat and when you rise and come and go. Wherever you go, your cell Is there too. Soon it will tell you where you may go or where you need to stay away from.

Your cell is your global controller – the ultimate jailer.  A chip in you is not needed – just the computer.  The cell phone will track your every move during times of political unrest or disagreements.

Take back you life if you can.

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