The Best You Can Do

This is the now.  Know it.  Shape it.  Live.  Reason.  Love life in thanks.

Don’t mingle with false people. Rise each day to do the best you can do. Honour all the good. Help the suffering. Teach with wisdom.

Don’t be fooled by dreamers who never awaken to the truth they need to master.

Learn in self to become pure soul.

The planet is the place to learn good heartedness. Be kind. Help the lost and homeless by sheltering them and teaching them a trade or helping them to find a job they are able to do.  All need to be productive for their soul’s self-esteem.

Kindness heals all, even the one who helps.  Soul growth is forever … in thanks to Creator.


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Ahead for the Planet?

Looking ahead …

Water will be a problem. Oceans are rising.  Great changes will come to famous beaches.  Beach fronts will be wiped out in some places and contaminated in others.

Watch out for your moored boats, especially during full moon this time of the year – December through January.

When there is new moon, watch that the oceans will rise up more than 175, even 225 in some areas, if there are great winds to be experienced.  Watch the springtime winds and great tides especially in early spring.  Be careful if you live near water.

Be watchful November 2016. There will be super water energies.

Be it wet, cold, snow or hail, winter will be a time full of surprises this year.

You need to be attentive for rambunctious weather conditions through 2028. In so many areas it will all be a gamble.

I believe we must be strong for natural upheavals globally.  Be wise.


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Selling Fresh Air

selling fresh air

Troy Paquette (left) and Moses Lam are the founders of Vitality Air. (CBC)

Many years ago I foretold that there would come a day when the very air you breathe would be for sale.  Check out what Troy and Moses are up to in selling fresh air.

The recent first-time-issued red alert in Beijing for dangerous air quality brings home the point.


“A thick grey haze shrouded the capital with concentrations of PM 2.5, harmful microscopic particles that penetrate deep into the lungs, as high as 634 micrograms per cubic metre. The reading given by the US embassy dwarfs the maximum recommended by the World Health Organisation, which is just 25 micrograms per cubic metre. Picture: EPA/WU HONG”

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