You who are great or small, who play like demons and kill, lie, steal, torture innocent small children, do cruel deeds to elders, torture young and old females or stand still when witnessing these things, see who you are.
Be called into balance and great spiritual understanding. Be reborn in you. Know that the great spark of divine life is from Creator. You are all sparks – small or great gods – depending on the pure and kind life you create to live.
Know that there is one and only one Creator, not millions. Be humble now. You, who have great egos, stop and learn to lead a humble life. As I foretold, China would become powerful in economics, but not in all spiritual or universal things.
There is one great billionaire Creator of all universes, stars, moons, suns, and galaxies far and wide, who conducts all life – great or minutely small – and all great and small gods. The Creator is the one who owns all. Mankind – awaken. It is time to create harmony. Kill no one. Have peace.