Life Eternal

So many need to come to the light and understand that the soul lives on, creating the shell called spirit.  So, we know who our chosen relations are and the area of universe or planet we come down to experience our life.  This is known a year before entering the mother host and father who agreed before you descend to be the creating tools of life on earth, or other planets or even other places of life.

Life is eternal until the All Pure has beings make their own judgements.  Karma, or for others various dogmas, is learning to live pure life – living and keeping yourself in control and offering yourself to your life’s journey, meaning to be in forever soul growth.  If you made mistakes you can correct your them if you are truly aware and sorry, then correct your life and the way you exist and don’t believe the confused and follow false angels.  Be empowered and rise up in soul and spirit.  Pure life is the answer.  Progress comes from learning and aiming to be angels who love progressing from the first moment of re-birth – upwards, inviting growth and learning the cycles, hoping our mothers are protecting us and showing that we need not to live in fear. Then we are soon to stand to grow in wisdom and learn about the magnitude of such an accomplishment  – a knowing that this is our journey into our growth of spirit – free to experience life in control – analyzing self and motives – being strong.  Be the pure mandala.

Soon – very soon – all will know the changes and the ending of global control of the conglomerates.  Soon we will not support them in destroying our planet  – our lives – holy lives – innocent lives – animals, birds, bunnies, butterflies, fish, whales, dogs, cats and the pure ones just born.  We need to offer our Creator’s planet – clean and pure.  We all will experience storms greater than ever before, floods running over the lands, snow in places where it has not been seen for so long and sunshine melting ice.  It will be warm here and cold there.  The polar shifting has begun.

Come together now and share. Become strong in compassion.  The greedy will soon weep and the hard ones will be lost and alone.  Disasters will change all and kindness and good clean life and living will return.  I call now for your hearts to become soft and pure.  Help where you can.  Don’t donate to the conglomerates.  Help from the heart.  Organize now.  Until 2039 there will be hard times and changes and then a resettlement of the planet that will bring calmness.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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