Life after Life – Entry to Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Blog

I sent the following note to Dr. Sunjay Gupta’s blog at CNN in response to an entry entitled “Near-Death Experience.”  At time of writing, it had not yet been approved and posted. There is much discussion going on right now in response to Dr. Gupta’s “Cheating Death” book and the issues concerning near death and what happens when the body dies.

Sent – October 19th, 2009 1:39 pm ET

“It is wonderful that Dr. Gupta and CNN are broaching this subject.
Please allow me to share some information. I have been called by
medics, religious leaders and media the ultimate life-after-life
experiencer. I can give you much evidence of life after life. In the
1950s in the medical faculty at Leiden University in Holland, Professor
Ten Haeff was given evidence by me on multiple occasions of life
continuing after death by having installed equipment that gave evidence
and proof of the spirit and the soul leaving the body and walking away
at the time of death.

In the 1990s, my students (I teach spiritual
evolvement), in Niagara Falls, Canada, were given ample evidence of
life after life when I had specially equipped cameras set up in an old
cathedral there. Using the same technique as in Leiden, photos captured
showed deceased priests still giving mass in the other world, as the
Catholics are taught to believe they must wait until the trumpet blows
before they can move on.

In Vancouver, BC, I counseled a man named
George through transition to the other world and it was his
non-believing, staunchly religious family who were given evidence of
his life continuing after death of his body. Another example is of me
being asked to assist in a Catholic convent in Hamilton, Ontario being
used as New Age meditation retreat, where much unsettling otherworldly
activity was taking place. You could hear the screams of babies and
nuns trapped in their otherworldly existence and the screams from those
who went to meditate and were physically beaten by nuns from the other
world. In Niagara Falls, on the US side, you can still see spirits on
the battlefield continuing to fight a war that has long since ended.

When I was invited to Taiwan, I was taken to a place in Taipei where I
had not been told of the horrors that had previously happened there.
When seeing it, I told those from government who had invited me that
they should do something about the tremendous number of souls that were
there, still victims in the other dimension, of the horrific war and
slaughter that took place in that area. The fact that these spirits had
not found peace, hampers peace existing within the country itself for
those still living. Imagine all the places like Iraq, WW II
battlegrounds and other war areas around the world, including areas
experiencing violence within cities, etc., that could be brought to
peace for those who live today and for those who are in the afterworld

This is not just about evidence of life of life, but what good can be
done with the true knowledge of soul and spirit’s journey, in order to
bring peace, harmony and stability for all.” – The Saoshyant, HH Alexandra H.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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