Global Peace Plan

2011 could bring peace now.  Stop all hatred. Watch all governments.  Know what they do.

To create peace in the world today there can be no government where one group of people own all the power or where a religion becomes the dictatorship.

There needs to be balance between young and old, those educated in life and those educated in universities and between rich and poor.  Not one religion should rule alone. There needs to be equality between men and women and races.  And most of all there needs to be respect for all life.  Choose the sacredness of life – meaning all life.

Five women and five men should be chosen at random from the planet’s sphere to discuss peace and formulate a common peace constitution that can be adapted universally.  An unbiased moderator should be chosen to oversee the discussions.  One negotiator should be elected to take the decisions from this group, bring them to the world at large as well as individual countries, and negotiate their implementation.

This could end the New World Order agenda and all misery upon the planet.

Addendum – March 7, 2011

We are sitting on the threshold of choice – choice for continuation of wars and conflicts that could escalate into WWIII or for peace for today and tomorrow.  Peace is a win win scenario for everyone except the warmongers, weapon manufacturers and corrupt governments.

This peace plan is for the people and by the people of this planet.  Each country will also have five men and five women for governing and peace implementation.  A rule of four children per household is suggested, which mean orphans could be taken in and cared for.

You can participate!  I invite your discussion and to post your comments.

Plus, I invite you to submit a photo that we can freely share that best represents a moment of peace to you.  Please email to  We will produce a collage of the submissions through a virtual exhibition so that all can share in, and by inspired by, moments of peace from around the world.

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About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to Global Peace Plan

  1. jamie says:

    Nicole Says:

    March 15th, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    If people are under a rule of maximum 4 kids per household, how would this be managed? China has a 1 person (or 2, if a girl is born firs, in some areas) policy, and multiple unborn babies are horrifically, painfully slaughtered, and much infancticide of baby girls is going on. This is population control in practice. Nothing peaceful, compasionate and loving about it.


    The Saoshyant Says:

    March 16th, 2011 at 10:56 am

    I totally agree with you concerning the cruel and murderous way that is taking place in China and other areas upon this planet. But, we have to realise that if each and every couple desired 4 children, then they should have 4 children. But if they have one child and did not produce more themselves, then they could adopt 3 other children, taking them out of very unfortunate conditions. The soul is not owned by any human being upon the earth.

    Thank Creator, it still belongs to Creator and is part of the divine universes. We need to learn to less self-centred and egotistical if we are to survive our planet and the existing humanity upon it. Never was there intent in thought of genocide upon this planet. But, to heal the planet for future generations we have to take away from those who believe they are in total control and who are racist and keep creating wars to thin out the population.

    If you have never survived a war and its brutal behaviours from people and the hatred between people, all you need to do now is look at the behaviour of others when there are those who are striving for freedom and are victims of the Gaddafi’s of the planet. Spirituality is something we practise and peace is something we attain, for all creatures great and small upon the planet. There is no necessity for people to have 20 children to expand religions. Look at the Mormons and the Catholics and their break offs and the large number of children they have, while we have countries where children are suffering who need food, education, guidance and compassion. If a family has 4 children and we spread it over the planet then all can be cared for. Eventually we will have a planet where people are all considered good and where all can celebrate peace and life.

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