Experiencers of Soul Growth

“Ah, come you who choose to be the experiencers of your soul growth  – you who were, or are, the follower.  Know when your moment on earth has come, when you who needed the guidance upon your spirit’s growth, and chose the path from the spiritual bowl of experiences. Suddenly the path chosen makes a turn to greater self-knowing and understanding and no longer are you a speck of light!  But you choose to be a star – a pure light to glow and uplift others in their flow of learning.

No, don’t cry.  You are the experiencer, not the follower, who grows, has tasted and is tasting of soul’s experiences – to be in your knowing later.  Soon, so soon, you will know through pain and joy.  Great souls grow.  The followers of statues are stagnant like the golden or stone images they follow.  The ultimate experiencer first finds the experiencer who hands them the light they will carry a while.

You choose to be a great experiencer and I will hand you the light.  Own it and burn it for all to see. I know you choose to be a light. Walk with me and talk to me.  I tell you that only those who have suffered and tasted growth saw it all naked – the cruelties of life, from the purest of compassions to the great meanness of life, if tasted by choosing. Or did you not know that great souls are sometimes in bondage?  Creator knows them all, whatever you choose.  You can stand by me. Learn it, but you do not have to taste it.  Be the guide.  You will suffer from those who are confused.  Thanks to Creator you came like bright lights.  Yes, women now must choose to be like Yutiv, as young men choose to be the new Zarathustras.

Only pure compassion and wisdom can now save millions. Accidents made by the ones of confusion must sooner or later suffer, for many dark gods have come to this planet to harvest through cruel games they play.  Learn.  Do not lack. Be strong.  Uplift the light to grow brighter so that soon you can stand beside and glow.  Only by seeing, is your spirit opened.  Oahpse has the secret.  Read it and read it again.  You will find it and be empowered.  Be free. Be self.  Zarathustra chose to be free.  Learn from him.  Know Creator. Be a leader or leaders, not followers.

Oh, man become gods by living strong paths.  ‘I choose gods in the making to planet earth,” said Creator, “not the followers who only follow the pied piper.’  Play a tune and you will see.  The Ethereans tell you that Buddhism will grow big and about the wars between Christians and Jews, then Christians and Buddhists and then the great time of hardship with Muslims versus the others.  And then all these who have suppressed the teachings of Zarathustra 12,000 years ago must now come through their final stages to learn to live great lives of honour and compassion and forgiveness to self and others for mistakes made. The earth plane will weep.  Be a master, not a follower.

Now help us to reach the suffering. Be strong and wise.  Stand by Creator.  It matters not.  There is only one.  There are many gods but only one Creator.  Become a god and serve Creator with respect.  Stand as one.  Blessings to you who see and are not blind.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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