In the time you are living, those who have lost connection with Creator and self need to know that it is not religion that will save them.
It is the actions of who you are and who you have become. Are you a kind, pure soul and a wonderful, pure being or have you created a falling away from your destiny of pure life?. Religion is not saving you through guilt. You need to be aware of your afterlife and the soul connections you have in this cosmic journey.
Know that as you do, you will receive in this life or the next. May you change soon in your conscious being to be in honour. Spiritually, when one commits an act in honour or is out in a cycle of life, it will come to manifest. The good will bring reward or the bad will start a punishing of learning in some way to awaken the soul to remember to do good or the right thing in life – learned for the soul.
Today, teachers of the soul never forget that animals are living beings too and that Creator sees our uncaring ways here on mother earth. Mankind needs to end all factory-type farming and pain inflicted upon animals of consumption. End the horror of the whale and dolphin slaughters, cruelty from rich towards poor peoples, hardship on the elderly and handicapped, the subtle killing of poor elders in greedy government institutions which use “patches” to send them to the other world , and the racist killing of the poor.