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Soul Whisper of the Day
"When you know there is hardship in the house next door, don't forget to smile and bring them an offering since the hardship passed by your door." - H.H. AlexandraCalling the Spiritually Awakened
This is your time to be in the know and to be such an empowered soul that you can rise to the top in anything and live your dreams. Contact us. Let us help you.-
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Category Archives: General
Help to Create Change
In these times children are escaping by using drugs and feel spiritually lost from fatherly and motherly love and togetherness and spiritual bonding, not religious programming. Children need to feel secure and feel part … Continue reading
Posted in General, Religion, Spirituality, Wars
Tagged change, creator, gods, harmony, hh alexandra, life after life, life-after-death, peace, religion, saoshyant, wars
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How Greed is Killing the Planet
Is the ocean broken? I cannot say often enough how greed is killing the planet – the only place we have. Physically we can’t go anywhere else.
Posted in Earth Changes, General, Prophecy
Tagged greed, hh alexandra, killing, ocean is broken, planet, saoshyant
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Are You Being Spied On?
Photo from News1130 Vancouver Many will remember my warnings for decades of your upcoming loss of freedom. Here is another piece of evidence in my own backyard of how you are being spied on, this time in … Continue reading
Posted in General, Prophecy
Tagged canada, hh alexandra, loss, loss of freedom, prophecy, saoshyant, spied on
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