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"When you know there is hardship in the house next door, don't forget to smile and bring them an offering since the hardship passed by your door." - H.H. AlexandraCalling the Spiritually Awakened
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Category Archives: General
Earthquake Risk Escalating
A 6.3M earthquake hit off the coast of Vancouver Island November 7/12, once again within my high alert earthquake/tsunami prophecy warning window (per August 18/12 posting). I continue my warning. From Mexico City to Los Angeles and the west coast … Continue reading
Posted in Earth Changes, General, Prophecy
Tagged 2012, alert, august, canada, coast, earthquake, hh alexandra, mexico, risk, saoshyant, tsunami, usa, warning
Congratulations President Obama – Another Four Years
Congratulations to President Obama, Michelle, their children and the American people. May this be a very prosperous four years for you. Hold President Obama to his promises as much as he is able to fulfill them, for he does not … Continue reading
My Last Thoughts on the US Presidential Election
Today is the day that Americans go to the polls. Those who vote for Romney open the door to the greedy, the money- hungry never-have-enough ones and those who believe women should be obedient and breed like bunnies to have … Continue reading