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Category Archives: General
Will They Try to Capture Creator?
May it be known that the universe is for mankind to keep thinking of what lies beyond. The ones who believe Creator lives there will make wars to claim the unclaimable. They will attempt to send an army to capture … Continue reading
Posted in General, Prophecy, Spirituality
Tagged angels, creator, hh alexandra, saoshyant, universe
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To the Good
Dears, When you are living from your heart and you live fully from your soul and share with love, watch and know that greed will kill off the good. Spare a barren concrete-covered planet where no flowers grow and love … Continue reading
Posted in General, Spirituality
Tagged good, greed, hatred, hh alexandra, love, saoshyant, soul, wars
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Abdication by Pope Benedict – Now What?
So many have asked what I think about what is taking place in Vatican. As I am saying to the so many out there, this abdication by Pope Benedict XVI portends the coming of the end of the papacy. Will … Continue reading
Posted in General, Prophecy, Religion
Tagged 2014, abdication, abdication benedict, creator, first nations, hh alexandra, israel, king solomon, pope, pope benedict, prophecy, saoshyant, temple, vatican
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