Be in the Know. Know Spiritual Life

Be in the Know. The human race needs to be fully committed, like never before, to realise and define the leading edge of life and know spiritual life – not religious but spiritual life – a pure philosophical awakening and kindness and truth – to
recreate a humanity of caring and equality and not a place where all have to prove they are the right religion, the perfect colour or the most important male/female who has been educated or programmed in a certain way.

Now the need during this time of great change is to use wisdom.  We need to awaken.  All have spirit, mind and soul and are on a planet of major change – where a polar readjustment is taking place.  The earth is floating in the universe – sick and abused, tipping back and forward.  How much oil and how many minerals need to be dug out of it?

Let us all now face it.  Trouble is near. Love and kindness is needed.  We must awaken. When you are over 65, hospitals feel you are too old.  When you are over 70 and have the bad luck to be victim of a car crash, then you are in trouble unless you are famous or rich.  I know – I was there.  Love and compassion are needed now.  Stop elder abuse now.  No “patches” to be put on anyone’s chest.  Elders have value.

Spirituality is powerful for peace.  Where is kindness?  It has gone up in smoke in most places.  Don’t give your money to those who never give and only take.  Say no to the ones who always on Sunday ask, or who have never been kind – the ones who need to make a show of their kindness but do no good in their towns where people are suffering.

Come, save your heart now.  Save your soul, spirit and mind by being kind.  Care now.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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