A Wake Up Call to Every Man, Woman and Child Upon the Planet

Wake up.  Today it is the horrific earthquake disaster in Haiti.  Tomorrow it could be you suffering the consequences of a natural disaster.

With the shifting back and forth of the planet and its northwest movement as part of its polar wobble activity, you are seeing and will see an increase in weather changes and earth changes as a result of the friction and tension in the inner earth crust.  Just look at the record low temperatures in Europe recently and the cold temperatures in Florida and India.  Areas hot become cold and cold become hot. We are now in the time I have spoken of for decades and have warned about. You have now entered into the time of major shifting.  It has begun.  I have called and still call all of you to come together as one – the gentle and the greedy – the hard of heart and the mellow ones – to put an end to the “me, me” society and a great ending to “my religion is better than yours.”  You are all part of the same Creator – the same Creation.

Now is the time to open your eyes to politicians, their politics and their “I must control and rule” behaviour.  Watch out when you give your cash.  Get a guarantee that it goes to help the people and not to rebuild palaces and government
bureaucracies.   Make the people’s needs be met first with water, food, medicine, shelters, hospitals, orphanages and rehabilitation centres. Don’t fatten up the banks and those churches who really do not get help to the people.

We are on a planet where it is necessary to come together as one people – to reach out to those who are in hardship and great medical need.  Greed – the “I must have more and never have enough,” which is so bad for our soul, needs to come to an end.  We have to soften our “me, me” society.  What we need to do is awaken our true spirituality – to become the beings we were created to be, with gentle spiritual natures and compassionate hearts – free of racism and religious bigotry and confusion.  Let all overcome their confusion about race, creed and colour.

RESPOND NOW.  Let’s come together and form an action committee to make housing available for Haitians in need.  Help to get them tents and prefabricated housing. Please get in touch (email info@saoshyant.org).  I am calling all who are capable the world over.  Form the circle of love and compassion – hand in hand, heart to heart, around the world.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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