It is shocking for women to see Pope Benedict XVI in Rome be in his arrogance and male self-aggrandizement. When the new Vatican rules for the Roman Catholic Church were issued in July 2010, they listed the attempted ordination of women as a “grave crime,” subject to the same set of procedures and punishments meted out for sex abuse. This drew criticism for those who found it offensive that a moral equivalent was being drawn between women becoming priests and pedophile priests who have molested and raped and ruined so many young lives. Vatican said that any attempt to ordinate women would result in immediate excommunication of the woman and priest who tries to ordain her.
Zarathustrianism, the oldest belief system in existence since the last major polar reversal, respects men and women as equal – as beings of the same pure part of Creation. So too did the Hebrews, a number of break-offs from the Roman Catholic Church, including Protestants, Anglicans, Baptists, evangelicals, etc., as well as others. It is the Roman Catholic Church and other of its break-offs, including those of the Muslim faith, who relegate women as non-persons – beings of lesser standing then men and in some cases as beings of no soul.
So as woman who has faced much discrimination and attacks over the years, I say to all women that if you think you are second-class, then stay in your rut. If you don’t, then raise yourself up and join peacefully hand-in-hand with the so many women globally who feel the same to know your equal place in Creator’s creation. Get in touch with us as
If you want a first hand account of woman’s treatment at a Catholic convent, google Sister Charlotte. Read her horrific story. She is not the only one and this is not the only faith that does this to women. And also, if you look at pictures of nuns in their original dress, you cannot help but see how the burka evolved. If you wish to research the true age of the Roman Catholic Church, read up on the first Emperor Constantine, but not from Vatican’s account.
Forever creating truth, change, and peace…. H.H. Alexandra