A Planet in need of compassion

What many call karma is compassion.  We are in times when kindness is a thing nearly lost in the world.

So many animals are abused and seen as nuisances or used only for food or sometimes to protect mankind.   Then there are the ones trained for gambling – from racetracks to bull fighting to snake charming, chicken fighting and dog fighting.  Many believe that is all they are good for.  Ah, but look how many people don’t know pure life education and are trespassing life.  Animals are sentient beings and have souls, spirits and minds.  Karma shows after life.  So, now is the time to realise they have feelings, heart and emotional sensitivity.  Eating animals is bad karma as is torturing them in slaughterhouses – cruel places of murder for them and their ancestors and relations.  Vegetarian life is needed to bring the planet to the realisation that killing brings suffering and anger and energies of anger which lay upon on our planet because of the pain and suffering – the cruel games played like bull and cock fighting, the keeping of snakes which belong in nature and the capture of other meat eating animals out of the wild who roamed free.  If humanity can’t go without eating meat, then they can go to eating fish like salmon and sardines.

The torture of animals will hunt you beyond the doors of ever life and the torture you inflict will last. You will be accountable for the great suffering you caused to the living creatures – to living creation.  The bullfighter will deal for 200,000 years with the suffering inflicted.

You will feel, experience and even know all the mean actions you did to humans and to yourself.  Zarathustra called it karma and the teachings of the Vedas spoke about it long before the Buddhists.  Now is the time for self-analysis and corrections.  Mankind needs to come to know pure love, not to abridge love but to extend it to all  – like a divine Creator-like embrace … so that in these times members of the all brotherhood are working with Jehovih and opening labours to create an uplifted, glorious life upon the planet after the global changes. This is the time of the great raising of consciousness.

So many have spread fear and there are even more who have seeded nervousness to use fear.  No one knows whom to trust. Religions are falling down.  Dangers and abuse are rampant now with everyone from Judaism sects to Christians, Muslims and Buddhist sects.  So we see the place of trust is falling and so many are in a state of loneliness.  But in reality the great answer is within, seeking pure life by not waiting until one feels life is drawing to the end.  Remember that anytime life can change since there is no ending.   Life continues – life of high spirituality or a time of hard spiritual existence – seeking to find peaceful life and progress or to come to find change in self, to work to have the power to deal with having failed the soul, self and spirit lasting.

Not one church can forgive for you.  It is you who takes account for past deeds.  The spirit takes accounting seriously and a person is in total empowerment when he/she is free of false controls of what is seen as the only way.  Glory in forever is in existence within self by seeing our past actions and why we made choices whether to be nasty or steal or to have feelings of greed – even to feel justified to rob one of mankind’s old or feeble beings or even animal, birds, fish, dolphins or whales of life.

We see so many species murdered out of greed. We need to see ourselves in true light – the Christian, Jew or any other educated sect.  The call to human life was not to kill or take life.  We need to look at the ones who were out there saying we do not kill – but who only at new moon do not eat meat – as in some Buddhist sects.  We see in Canada some of the very out religions – the Muslims – who teach the killing of self or send out their children with promises of paradise and money for family if they throw grenades to explode and kill many, including women who go and blow themselves up along with many others they never met.

The soldiers who have religion go and drop missiles because a government far away decided it wants the treasures – artefacts, gold – and control over oil reserves or gold silver, copper and most of all platinum.  They flush out gold by dropping the economies.  Gold is sold because of poor conditions, just like before each war – the same.  Is it a thing to do to thin out life.  The rich go to the safe places and millions die in wars.

It takes to have the spiritually maturity to say no.   It takes the ones who are in a pure state to say stop now, save the planet and don’t create more killing diseases and then the earth plane.  Know that the depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan must be the warning to the planet.  Religions must all practice no killing, not say it – but do it.  Sons and daughters say no.

Peace comes from the peaceful ones.  Put yourself as a helpless soul.  Animals are telepathic – fish and birds too.  Abandon your egotistical and arrogant behaviour because you have so much to hide and need to cover up your deeds. Become holy.  Share. You will all meet again in the after-life.  Don’t hate others.  Live life in peace.

Beware that this time you are in is a time of major global changes.  We will see battles amongst people.  Families will fail if there is no teaching against hatred.  Peace comes from all saving life and from self-purification now.  Respect Creator.  Honour life.  In self – meditate – change.  Save the children through education to have a better tomorrow.  All  over – even where there is birth control – remember that no one can own the planet – only the Creator.

We need to realise this is a small planet and that visitors from another planet have used earth for a supply of copper, gold, etc. and at one time took earthlings to enrich their lifelines.  They are seeing the confused states here on earth, depleting the inner earth of oil and gas, iron to hold the magnetic pull keeping all in balance, more earthquake activity, great heat in some areas and severe cold in others.  Later I will disclose more.

The time is now.  Search your heart.  Change.  Heal the planet from hatred.  Be angelic now. Share. Empower the good.  Teach self now.  Know the faith now.

The great gift comes down to us to save millions or to be silent.  Let Creator Jehovih know you are in the time our honoured Zatathustra gave to all.  Now they are coming to realise these times of changing the ones who are murdering and warring.  The kind and peaceful ones will know soon, so soon, know what awaits.

I am warning the good to change the haters of life. Go set yourself free from anger, wars and hatred. The time is now to awaken all.  The so-called great ones will not ever be remembered.

The Creator will call all pure ones and the Faithists in this era called Kosman and will send Ethereans and angels, advising all that he/she will save them. The Creator will inspire the spiritually pure to be saved … saving the pure of life.  The Creator has worked to save many races over the years.  Remember the story of Moses.  The Uzians of darkness will disappear – with no peace.  Traitors will be amongst you.  See when you work that you will be watched.  The time is now that you will be surveilled 24 hours a day.  All will watch one another.  Those who need to spy on you are living in distrust of themselves.  The devils will fail, but the corruption will be great.  Be aware – there are many Gods, but there is only one Creator.

Humbleness is needed. You will feel there is nowhere to hide.  Believe Tae – born from on high.  See the Book of Ben in Oahspe.  Know the clues of the coming times.  To be free is to be pure.  As liberty is the great desire, it will cause the souls of mankind to call out for freedom, peace and harmony.  Practise love, kindness and honour.  Help each other now.  Save the planet now.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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  1. Donna says:


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