During my life I have learned that kindness is in the souls of everyone whether in action or in millions gone dormant. We need to see how it was and still is in a land like India where there was and is food – a land warm in nature and offered to all. It is time to call for a gentle awakening globally, before it becomes a rude one from mother earth. Love is the pearl of the greatest price.
In Canada I saw horrible conditions – cold, wet, pain and suffering and so many heartless people, especially in British Columbia and the western provinces. I’ve watched when people walked by the homeless freezing to death on Winnipeg city streets. I’ve watched people dying in cardboard boxes in the middle of winter in Calgary, Edmonton and especially in Lethbridge, with passersby doing nothing to help. It was not their business.
I’ve watched children crying – cold and hungry – in cars with windows frozen up so all you could see was where they were breathing against the window to see out, while their mother was escaping a drunken and abusive husband and had nowhere to go or take her children but the car. All of this propelled me in my day-to-day work to help the helpless, to bring about love and compassion in the hearts of others and to bring about change through exposures and disclosures. I find myself in a horrible situation created by bureaucrats and as a result have an even greater understanding and compassion for those who are victims and are further victimized.
I saw the generosity of people appear more from Ontario and east to Quebec and the Maritime provinces. In Quebec I saw great racism towards First Nations from governmental organizations and the Catholic Church towards the non-Christian natives. Yet the people on the reserves always offered me a shared bannock and a warm welcome.
We need to know love is true of an awakened soul. Many souls are not aware of a lack of kindness. Sharing is hard to do even when abundance is great. Most have a hard time parting with their money. Reaching out to a stranger is even unthinkable. But our earth is generous. It never asks who you are and gives to you by Creator’s decree.
Tell me, is this the time to look at conditions and open yourselves to help bring about a better planet before the warmongers start their thinning out of world populations, where seniors and handicapped persons are the first expendable ones? Now is the time that these have become part of the throw-away society. Are you desensitized with the media showing wars and never-ending streams of suffering children and elders? Tell me. It is in your core of soul that you can’t respond or is it your damned New Age confused understandings or the new Buddhist wave of teachings which say it is all karma and there is no need to help for the suffering is your karma and you deserve it? Does this apply to the innocent baby in the cradle too or the child in the womb when a mother is shot dead? Do you see any problem with this way of thinking? Would you smile if you were tortured or maimed and think it is only your karma. Do the Christians accept that it was Jesus’ karma that he was crucified in their belief system? Think and think again. Change is necessary now. It is not the law of karma that softens the heart and brings you close to your open soul.
I have spoken with so many in religious and so-called spiritual organizations whose lives were destroyed by the sexual abuse perpetrated on them as children by clergy and people in supposed positions of spiritual power. At this moment I am not and have not considered to be a follower of any man-made “ism” and found through my own deep spiritual awakenings the beauty offered from Creator to humanity – a connection to all to rise up and end wars, racism and hatred. The Zarathustrian belief system is not man-made. It came from Creator and teaches to kill no one.
I call out to all of you to change and to stand up against hatred. How can you go out and kill someone you never met before? How can you become a soldier to kill your brother and sister for all are of one Creator? How can you watch people or drones drop bombs that kill innocent victims? Come together and speak up against religious hatred and killing. Live in your honour and practise respect for all life upon the earth, for by 2020 you will have seen my prophecies come about as they have historically been very accurate. Learn to love. Open your hearts. Forgiveness is important even though you can’t forget.
In India long ago the gods said not to look at sects but to lovingly feed and help those in need.
In Canada love is in the centre and east – from Ontario and through to the Maritime provinces. In Vancouver nature gives great beauty but begging is a no-no and compassion is very thin. Hardship amongst seniors is prevalent. Just starve and don’t cry. Eat dog food because you have no money for other food once you’ve paid rent. For so many on the streets there is pain. 85% get no help.
I have been called a holy being but in my eyes there is holiness in everyone. I cry out for the hearts and souls of humanity to bring about change in your own life and in the lives of others. Ban hatred, assumptions and prejudgements. Start to live from your soul and heart and be a true being created by the all perfect Creator. There is no need for any religion. There is need for pure souls. A pure soul cannot hurt another. Campaign to stop all wars. No peace and no healing come from war.
Have you gotten in touch with you today? Have you checked your soul lately? Greed and hatred shrivel up the soul and prepare you for a horrid afterlife journey. Change now.