Birds Must Fly

For all those who reach out to ask for blessings for themselves or their loved ones, I happily fulfil their requests.

Over the years I have also taken on helping a wide variety of people who found themselves in many forms of distress, danger or need.  Somehow, someway, they manage to arrive on my doorstep, either literally or figuratively.   I have been happy to give of my time, energy and resources to assist in whatever way I could and have often put my own work for the world on hold and existence at risk while dealing with their situations.

Some people are very appreciative and humble.  They gratefully accept the help, soak in the guidance and say that they leave tremendously empowered – to act in knowledge and wisdom as they continue on their soul journey.  My heart soars for these people for I know that they will in turn help and empower others on their path.  This is as it should be.

Others become interested in the work here and want to help in making a difference in the world.  They have no hidden agendas.  They do not seek their own self-aggrandizement, but rather recognize that during these challenging times upon the planet, people must come together to help one another.  They understand my words that humanity must change from “me, me” to “us” in order to survive the challenges ahead.  I welcome their interest and help.

Unfortunately, I all too often see others who feel the world owes them personally – people who get lost in ego, self-centred interests or who want to be hand-held through their existence. It is often these people who become energy vampires – always wanting more and never being satisfied.  For some, no matter how much I give, it is never enough and will never be enough.  Interestingly, it is also these very people who become abusers, who seek and accept help but in fact resent receiving it for they feel inside that they should have been able to do it themselves or whose memory becomes very selective once they have received it.  Or maybe they wanted something from me that I was unable or unwilling to give.  So, they lash out or attack.  And if you choose to ignore them, they become incensed – twisting truths, lying or manipulating their way into self-aggrandisement and trashing you – the very one who helped them or was good to them – in the process. Yet, they do so without regard as to what they do to themselves as a result.  Soul is everlasting, but karma is now. There is never an action for which there is no consequence.  For these people I feel sorry, for their life and soul journey is hampered only by their own actions.

Some people are religiously or spiritually confused.  Some have a deep seated desire to be “the one” others seek out but this is often driven by a deep-routed lack of self esteem that plays itself out in the opposite way as they seek to become the king or queen pin, they think, but who lack the spiritual destiny, knowledge and experience given by the heavens to do so.  This becomes a hard lesson.  Some are intent on glorifying themselves through my information and teachings – past, present and future – but they neither recognise nor are equipped to deal with the responsibility that imparting information entails. They are unripe spiritually but try to pass themselves off as the ripe fruit there to empower all.  Are they ready for the karmic responsibilities they are creating and that must be addressed in this lifetime?

I have so much love to give for the planet and for humanity and there is so much love from all to share upon the planet. If people would come together – hand in hand, heart to heart, what a wonderful place this would be. We must choose – not out of egotism but out of purity of heart – to make this a bearable and better place.  When I started the world movement for change back in 2002 and launched major peace/change events, including the longest running peace event ever (4 months, 24 hours a day internet radio broadcast), it was with the intent that humanity come forward as participants in global change for the betterment of all.   I invite all to participate without the walls of religious bigotry, hatred, prejudice and confusion.

This is your planet.  I can help the Creator mend the bird’s broken wing, but once able, the bird must learn to fly again.  All races, creeds and colour can come together to help all birds with broken wings to rise up and fly once again.

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About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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