Anastasia – Apples for Oranges?

Are you being further entrapped into the New World Order?  You must learn to think from your soul, not from your programmed brain.

It is interesting how some view the Anastasia material (Ringing Cedars), which is being heavily promoted at obvious great expense and of which there is being made much hullabaloo today.  While it reportedly originates from a poor and humble soul in Russia (Anastasia), there are those that question this and others who have seemingly jumped on the bandwagon in their promotion.  Are you being sold sour apples for oranges?   I am watching as it gains momentum but there is a foreboding feeling I get about the whole thing that I just cannot shake.   From where I come, as a survivor of WWII and what I saw and experienced during the war, I see the orchestration at work.  Russia had, and still has, a militaristic form of communism (the most horrific on earth).  What is being described in the Anastasia material is a veiled socialistic form of communism which is more palatable to the easily swayed New Age community.  Therein lies the great danger.

Someone recently suggested that people could be turned off the Anastasia material if they don’t know about remote viewing, forbidden archaeology, quantum theory, etc.  But, this is assuming something that is not necessarily true.  I can spiritually transfer (but not invade privacy) and have chased remote viewers from my home.  I have spoken about forbidden archaeology and have had guests on my radio show speaking about quantum theories.  My views are held regardless of knowledge of these things.

The idea given in the Anastasia material of allocating a hectare of space to each person on the planet was an example I gave when Meria Heller recently interviewed me on her show.  It is impossible for the planet to physically accommodate this allocation based on usable landmass, climate and consideration for beings and ecosystems. But I said this more to make the point to question what was contained in the material. Sometimes good people are carried away by an idyllic message.   I am all for pure forms of socialism but nothing that wreaks of a carefully and craftily veiled form of communism that is presented for the unknowingly gullible and would control and suffocate the masses.

I have had to rescue many a person, from a variety of organizations, who have been led down the garden path only to discover that they could not survive either the safety locations given or the organizations with which they were involved.  People are waking up and are seeking safety and security.  Many are contacting us as they see my prophecies being fulfilled at an alarming rate.  As I have spoken about for so many years, humanity must change from a “me, me” to an “us” society in order to survive the times ahead.  But, how this is gone about is crucial.  Long before the Anastasia material came out, I developed and spoke about detailed plans for safety settlements.  I took all things into consideration to ensure they are in safety locations and to make them empowering and an asset to any human life form whether in peace, war or earth disaster situations.  To learn more, visit, and read my book.

Everything is pure love, kindness and especially compassion for one another.  All are pure souls.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to Anastasia – Apples for Oranges?

  1. dioniShobby says:

    Thank you!

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